Output from suppres2.sas

3 Graphs

Demonstrate suppression effect 1

                             Correlation Analysis
                  3 'VAR' Variables:  SALES    ASSERTIV RECORD

                              Simple Statistics

 Variable                N             Mean          Std Dev              Sum
 SALES                  40        48.975000        12.086202      1959.000000
 ASSERTIV               40         8.110000         3.045030       324.400000
 RECORD                 40         4.487500         3.310294       179.500000
                       Simple Statistics

 Variable          Minimum          Maximum     Label
 SALES           21.000000        72.000000     SALES SUCCESS
 ASSERTIV         0.500000        12.500000     ASSERTIVENESS
 RECORD                  0        14.300000     RECORD KEEPING

   Pearson Correlation Coefficients / Prob > |R| under Ho: Rho=0 / N = 40
                                SALES          ASSERTIV            RECORD

     SALES                    1.00000           0.62078           0.40336
     SALES SUCCESS             0.0               0.0001            0.0099

     ASSERTIV                 0.62078           1.00000          -0.27052
     ASSERTIVENESS             0.0001            0.0               0.0914

     RECORD                   0.40336          -0.27052           1.00000
     RECORD KEEPING            0.0099            0.0914            0.0

Demonstrate suppression effect 2

   A=1, B=2, etc. SALES*ASSERTIV.        A=1, B=2, etc.  Plot of SALES*RECORD.

     |                                        |
  80 +                                     80 +
S    |                                   S    |
A    |                    A  A           A    |    A        A
L    |            A       A              L    |                 A           A
E    |                     A             E    |        A
S 60 +                AA   B  AB         S 60 +        BAA A   A A
     |                  AA  A A               |  A    A  A  A
S    |           A         A             S    |    A         A
U    |        A      AA A A              U    |     A  AA    A   A
C    |        A    A   AAA   A           C    |AB A   A          A
C 40 +      A      AAA                   C 40 +B             A  A
E    | A     A A A                       E    |   AA        AA
S    |        A             A            S    |A      A
S    |                                   S    |
     |                                        |
  20 +        A                            20 +A
     -+---------+---------+---------+         -+---------+---------+---------+
      0         5        10        15          0         5        10        15

               ASSERTIVENESS                           RECORD KEEPING

   A=1, B=2, etc. ASSERTIV*RECORD.

  15 +
A    |
S    |         A
S    |A A     A A  A
E    |A   A  AA         A
R 10 + A  A   AAA      A
T    | A   A A    AA
I    |        A       A
V    |B             B
E    |   B          A              A
N  5 +    A
E    |A      A          B
S    |              A  A
S    |
     |             A
   0 +
      0         5        10        15

              RECORD KEEPING

Demonstrate suppression effect 3

Model: M1
Dependent Variable: SALES      SALES SUCCESS
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            1   2195.41951   2195.41951       23.825       0.0001
       Error           38   3501.55549     92.14620
       C Total         39   5696.97500

           Root MSE       9.59928     R-square       0.3854
           Dep Mean      48.97500     Adj R-sq       0.3692
           C.V.          19.60037
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1     28.992225    4.36618339         6.640        0.0001
     ASSERTIV   1      2.463967    0.50479482         4.881        0.0001
                   Standardized  Variable
     Variable  DF      Estimate     Label
     INTERCEP   1    0.00000000  Intercept
     ASSERTIV   1    0.62077841  ASSERTIVENESS

Demonstrate suppression effect 4

Model: M2
Dependent Variable: SALES      SALES SUCCESS
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            2   4201.59785   2100.79893       51.980       0.0001
       Error           37   1495.37715     40.41560
       C Total         39   5696.97500

           Root MSE       6.35733     R-square       0.7375
           Dep Mean      48.97500     Adj R-sq       0.7233
           C.V.          12.98076
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1     13.525317    3.63051806         3.725        0.0006
     ASSERTIV   1      3.125814    0.34725847         9.001        0.0001
     RECORD     1      2.250547    0.31943156         7.045        0.0001
     Variable  DF     Type I SS    Type II SS      Estimate
     INTERCEP   1         95942    560.927504    0.00000000
     ASSERTIV   1   2195.419506   3274.685765    0.78752585
     RECORD     1   2006.178345   2006.178345    0.61640304
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept

Demonstrate suppression effect 5

                       Partial Regression Residual Plot
  SALES |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
     25 +                                                                    +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                           1                                        |
        |                                                                    |
     20 +                                                                    +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
     15 +                                                                    +
        |                                                             1      |
        |                                                                    |
S       |                                                                    |
A       |                                              1    1                |
L    10 +                                                      1             +
E       |                   1                                                |
S       |                                                 1                  |
        |                                1                                   |
S       |                                                   1                |
U     5 +                                                                    +
C       |                                   1                           1    |
C       |     1            1  1         1      1             1               |
E       |                   1         1                                      |
S       |                        1         1        1                        |
S     0 +      1                             1                               +
        |         1          2                                               |
        |           1    1                           1                       |
        |                                                                    |
        |                 1                                                  |
     -5 +                         1                                          +
        |      1                                                             |
        |       1            1    1 1                                        |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
    -10 +   1                                                                +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                        1    1                                      |
        |                                                                    |
    -15 +                                                                    +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
       -0.4  -0.3  -0.2  -0.1   0.0   0.1   0.2   0.3   0.4   0.5   0.6   0.7


Demonstrate suppression effect 6

                       Partial Regression Residual Plot
  SALES |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
     30 +                                                                    +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                               1                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
     20 +                                                             1      +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                   1                |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                        1           |
        |                                                    1       1 1     |
S    10 +                                                         1     1    +
A       |                                                       1            |
L       |                                             1    1                 |
E       |                                                 1        1         |
S       |                                            1                       |
        |                                          1 1    1                  |
S       |                                                                    |
U     0 +                                1       1  1         1              +
C       |                             1         1          1                 |
C       |                            1                                       |
E       |                              1                                     |
S       |                                        1    1                      |
S       |                           1                                        |
        |                                                                    |
    -10 +                     1   1                       1                  +
        |                                                                    |
        |                         1              1                           |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |     1             11                                               |
        |                     1                                              |
    -20 +                                                                    +
        |               1                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
    -30 +                                                                    +
        |                                                                    |
         -8   -7   -6   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1    0    1    2    3    4    5

                               ASSERTIVENESS   ASSERTIV

Demonstrate suppression effect 7

                       Partial Regression Residual Plot
  SALES |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
     25 +                                                                    +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                          1         |
        |                                                                    |
     20 +                                                                    +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                   1                                                |
     15 +                                     1                              +
        |                                         1                          |
        |                                                                    |
        |                           1          1                             |
     10 +                                 1                                  +
S       |                                      1                             |
A       |                                1                                   |
L       |                                            1                       |
E     5 +                         1 1          1                             +
S       |                                                                    |
        |                              1   2                                 |
S       |                            1  1                                    |
U     0 +                         11       1                                 +
C       |              1               1                                     |
C       |                    11                                              |
E       |              1                1                                    |
S    -5 +                  1         1                                       +
S       |         1                                                          |
        |                   1               1                                |
        |         1   2                                                      |
    -10 +              1        1                                            +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
    -15 +              1                                                     +
        |                                                                    |
        |      1                                                             |
        |                                                                    |
    -20 +                                                                    +
        |                                                                    |
        |             1                                                      |
        |                                                                    |
    -25 +                                                                    +
        |                                                                    |
        |                                                                    |
             -6     -4     -2      0      2      4      6      8     10

                               RECORD KEEPING   RECORD

Partial residual plot 8

                               Full regression

                              Regression weights

                              INTCEPT  13.525317
                              ASSERTIV 3.1258142
                              RECORD    2.250547

                    High leverage or large residual points

                 XL   ASSERTIV    RECORD  Leverage  RStudent

                   1       0.5       6.3 0.1856051 0.9993255
                   9       7.3       7.2 0.0422708 -2.108665
                  12       5.8      14.3  0.250352 0.3882738
                  13      10.8         0 0.0795064  -2.50298
                  28       9.9         2 0.0435701  4.013852
                  37       4.1         0 0.1505407 -0.909436

                              Partial Residuals

             14.154     0.623   -16.644    -7.159     4.776    -0.425
              2.812     0.110     0.448    -0.282     0.542    -0.349
             -0.181    -0.303    13.410     3.039    13.875     4.427
              0.676     0.166    -0.250     0.423    -9.400    -3.479
              3.090     0.234    -1.250    -0.377    -8.429    -3.714
             -0.689    -0.073     5.123     1.542     2.600     1.021
              9.835     0.495    -9.606    -4.079    -4.326    -3.320
             -9.946    -0.355     5.674     3.463     6.136     5.015
            -12.538     0.001   -12.970    -0.135    -6.979     2.474
              8.127     0.409    -4.366    -2.227    -8.240    -4.814
              1.655    -0.089     4.705     0.589    10.789     3.521
             -1.225    -0.250     2.574     0.132    22.717     9.133
            -13.089     0.088    -9.366     1.573   -22.603    -3.696
             -1.895     0.330   -18.970    -4.035    -3.370     1.327
              3.310    -0.099    11.743     2.269     5.136     0.215
             10.834     0.443    -3.366    -2.627    -6.254    -4.932
              3.181    -0.050     6.650     0.891     7.818     1.757
             -0.245     0.195   -12.768    -3.162     4.645     3.345
             -4.944     0.011    -5.675    -0.185     0.021     2.274
              7.290     0.136     0.030    -1.735     9.963     2.004
             -4.270    -0.117     2.208     1.566     2.339     2.233
              5.647     0.447   -10.575    -3.253    -8.790    -3.726
              3.320    -0.322    19.914     3.916    14.672     3.109
             -7.413    -0.289    10.154     4.368    -0.792     1.204
              3.772     0.175    -7.621    -2.887     8.906     3.333
              2.811     0.462   -16.668    -4.231    -8.094    -2.067
              1.102     0.317   -16.737    -4.336     2.109     2.351
             21.811     0.058    24.688     1.171    16.614    -1.961
             -5.747    -0.294    11.565     4.268     1.701     1.545
             -0.607    -0.075    10.161     3.122    -4.806    -2.314

Partial residual plot 9

             -2.497    -0.215    12.037     3.719     1.440     0.456
             -6.503     0.021     0.634     2.373   -14.574    -3.461
             -2.489    -0.137     8.332     2.869    -0.589     0.021
              1.251     0.007     6.688     1.771    -2.864    -1.785
             -7.063     0.048    -5.226     0.795    -9.661    -0.867
             10.936     0.375    -1.723    -2.429    -1.762    -3.390
              3.503     0.654   -21.366    -5.127   -18.094    -5.667
              2.146     0.088     2.657     0.545    -2.414    -1.496
             -7.317    -0.070    -0.846     1.768    -5.386     0.439
              8.867    -0.088    16.596     2.094    10.629     0.257


Graphic output from suppres2.sas

Partial regression plot for sales
[PARTIAL 09/27/99 ]
[TEMPLATE 09/27/99 ]