Output from mregppvt.sas

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Multivariate multiple regression 1

                             Correlation Analysis
   8 'VAR' Variables:  SAT      PPVT     RAVEN    N        S        NS
                       NA       SS

                 Pearson Correlation Coefficients  / N = 37
                                        SAT       PPVT      RAVEN          N

 SAT                                1.00000    0.37032    0.21142    0.18605
 Student achievement test
 PPVT                               0.37032    1.00000    0.35481    0.44437
 Peabody picture vocabulary test
 RAVEN                              0.21142    0.35481    1.00000    0.35036
 Raven progressive matrices test
 N                                  0.18605    0.44437    0.35036    1.00000
 Named P.A. learning test
 S                                  0.16090    0.26819    0.23859    0.40066
 Still P.A. learning test
 NS                                 0.06847    0.46921    0.43881    0.53698
 Named Still P.A. learning test
 NA                                 0.26172    0.67201    0.33903    0.64807
 Named Action P.A. learning
 SS                                 0.33410    0.58763    0.34042    0.67039
 Sentence Still P.A. learning
                                          S         NS         NA         SS

 SAT                                0.16090    0.06847    0.26172    0.33410
 Student achievement test
 PPVT                               0.26819    0.46921    0.67201    0.58763
 Peabody picture vocabulary test
 RAVEN                              0.23859    0.43881    0.33903    0.34042
 Raven progressive matrices test
 N                                  0.40066    0.53698    0.64807    0.67039
 Named P.A. learning test
 S                                  1.00000    0.35234    0.64781    0.42516
 Still P.A. learning test
 NS                                 0.35234    1.00000    0.71357    0.76954
 Named Still P.A. learning test
 NA                                 0.64781    0.71357    1.00000    0.79514
 Named Action P.A. learning
 SS                                 0.42516    0.76954    0.79514    1.00000
 Sentence Still P.A. learning

Multivariate multiple regression 2

Model: MODEL1
Dependent Variable: SAT        Student achievement test
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            5   3653.77324    730.75465        1.626       0.1824
       Error           31  13929.52406    449.33949
       C Total         36  17583.29730

           Root MSE      21.19763     R-square       0.2078
           Dep Mean      31.27027     Adj R-sq       0.0800
           C.V.          67.78844
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1      4.151060   13.79833728         0.301        0.7655
     N          1     -0.608872    1.67108493        -0.364        0.7181
     S          1     -0.050156    0.94150677        -0.053        0.9579
     NS         1     -1.732395    0.91046153        -1.903        0.0664
     NA         1      0.494565    1.03689999         0.477        0.6367
     SS         1      2.247721    1.10096010         2.042        0.0498
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept
     N          1  Named P.A. learning test
     S          1  Still P.A. learning test
     NS         1  Named Still P.A. learning test
     NA         1  Named Action P.A. learning
     SS         1  Sentence Still P.A. learning

Dependent Variable: PPVT       Peabody picture vocabulary test
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            5   2883.67590    576.73518        6.467       0.0003
       Error           31   2764.75653     89.18569
       C Total         36   5648.43243

           Root MSE       9.44382     R-square       0.5105
           Dep Mean      62.64865     Adj R-sq       0.4316
           C.V.          15.07426

Multivariate multiple regression 3

                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1     33.005769    6.14733759         5.369        0.0001
     N          1     -0.080567    0.74448994        -0.108        0.9145
     S          1     -0.721050    0.41945344        -1.719        0.0956
     NS         1     -0.298303    0.40562238        -0.735        0.4676
     NA         1      1.470418    0.46195235         3.183        0.0033
     SS         1      0.323965    0.49049195         0.660        0.5138
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept
     N          1  Named P.A. learning test
     S          1  Still P.A. learning test
     NS         1  Named Still P.A. learning test
     NA         1  Named Action P.A. learning
     SS         1  Sentence Still P.A. learning

Dependent Variable: RAVEN      Raven progressive matrices test
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            5     76.52860     15.30572        1.769       0.1486
       Error           31    268.28221      8.65426
       C Total         36    344.81081

           Root MSE       2.94181     R-square       0.2219
           Dep Mean      13.24324     Adj R-sq       0.0965
           C.V.          22.21369
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1     11.173378    1.91493727         5.835        0.0001
     N          1      0.210995    0.23191365         0.910        0.3699
     S          1      0.064567    0.13066258         0.494        0.6247
     NS         1      0.213584    0.12635412         1.690        0.1010
     NA         1     -0.037318    0.14390128        -0.259        0.7971
     SS         1     -0.052143    0.15279156        -0.341        0.7352
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept

Multivariate multiple regression 4

     Variable  DF     Label
     N          1  Named P.A. learning test
     S          1  Still P.A. learning test
     NS         1  Named Still P.A. learning test
     NA         1  Named Action P.A. learning
     SS         1  Sentence Still P.A. learning

Multivariate multiple regression 5

Multivariate Test: M1

                             E, the Error Matrix
                   13929.52406      1530.5169077      457.19953799
                  1530.5169077      2764.7565284      213.67798597
                  457.19953799      213.67798597      268.28220636

                           H, the Hypothesis Matrix
                   3653.773237      2159.9966058       63.36802958
                  2159.9966058       2883.675904      281.48417619
                   63.36802958      281.48417619      76.528604456
                                Adjusted       Approx       Squared
                 Canonical      Canonical     Standard     Canonical
                Correlation    Correlation     Error      Correlation
           1      0.716526       0.655198     0.081098      0.513409
           2      0.490621       0.414578     0.126549      0.240709
           3      0.266778       0.211906     0.154805      0.071170
                                Eigenvalues of INV(E)*H
                                  = CanRsq/(1-CanRsq)

                 Eigenvalue    Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
            1       1.0551        0.7381       0.7283        0.7283
            2       0.3170        0.2404       0.2188        0.9471
            3       0.0766         .           0.0529        1.0000
                     Test of H0: The canonical correlations in the
                       current row and all that follow are zero

                  Ratio      Approx F      Num DF      Den DF    Pr > F
          1    0.34316907      2.5381          15    80.45763    0.0039
          2    0.70525204      1.4308           8          60    0.2025
          3    0.92882959      0.7918           3          31    0.5078

Multivariate multiple regression 6

                 Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                            S=3    M=0.5    N=13.5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.34316907     2.5381        15  80.45763  0.0039
 Pillai's Trace             0.82528864     2.3529        15        93  0.0066
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     1.44875712     2.6722        15        83  0.0023
 Roy's Greatest Root        1.05511542     6.5417         5        31  0.0003

         NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.

Multivariate multiple regression 7

Multivariate Test: M2

                             E, the Error Matrix
                   13929.52406      1530.5169077      457.19953799
                  1530.5169077      2764.7565284      213.67798597
                  457.19953799      213.67798597      268.28220636

                           H, the Hypothesis Matrix
                  1690.2893423       225.2671012      -214.8796545
                   225.2671012      289.26506826      -50.79748271
                  -214.8796545      -50.79748271      32.189996693
                                Adjusted       Approx       Squared
                 Canonical      Canonical     Standard     Canonical
                Correlation    Correlation     Error      Correlation
           1      0.501241       0.400029     0.128411      0.251242
           2      0.299481       0.246980     0.156117      0.089689
           3      0.066878        .           0.170732      0.004473
                                Eigenvalues of INV(E)*H
                                  = CanRsq/(1-CanRsq)

                 Eigenvalue    Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
            1       0.3355        0.2370       0.7651        0.7651
            2       0.0985        0.0940       0.2247        0.9898
            3       0.0045         .           0.0102        1.0000
                     Test of H0: The canonical correlations in the
                       current row and all that follow are zero

                  Ratio      Approx F      Num DF      Den DF    Pr > F
          1    0.67855424      1.3575           9    70.72899    0.2240
          2    0.90623992      0.7569           4          60    0.5575
          3    0.99552736      0.1393           1          31    0.7115

Multivariate multiple regression 8

                 Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                           S=3    M=-0.5    N=13.5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.67855424     1.3575         9  70.72899  0.2240
 Pillai's Trace             0.34540340     1.3445         9        93  0.2251
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.43856320     1.3482         9        83  0.2253
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.33554530     3.4673         3        31  0.0279

         NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.

Multivariate multiple regression 9

Multivariate Test: M3
                Multivariate Statistics and Exact F Statistics

                             S=1    M=0    N=14.5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.86845394     2.3478         2        31  0.1124
 Pillai's Trace             0.13154606     2.3478         2        31  0.1124
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.15147154     2.3478         2        31  0.1124
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.15147154     2.3478         2        31  0.1124

Multivariate multiple regression 10

                        Canonical Correlation Analysis

                                Adjusted       Approx       Squared
                 Canonical      Canonical     Standard     Canonical
                Correlation    Correlation     Error      Correlation
           1      0.716526       0.655198     0.081098      0.513409
           2      0.490621       0.414578     0.126549      0.240709
           3      0.266778       0.211906     0.154805      0.071170
                                Eigenvalues of INV(E)*H
                                  = CanRsq/(1-CanRsq)

                 Eigenvalue    Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
            1       1.0551        0.7381       0.7283        0.7283
            2       0.3170        0.2404       0.2188        0.9471
            3       0.0766         .           0.0529        1.0000
                     Test of H0: The canonical correlations in the
                       current row and all that follow are zero

                  Ratio      Approx F      Num DF      Den DF    Pr > F
          1    0.34316907      2.5381          15    80.45763    0.0039
          2    0.70525204      1.4308           8          60    0.2025
          3    0.92882959      0.7918           3          31    0.5078

                 Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                            S=3    M=0.5    N=13.5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.34316907     2.5381        15  80.45763  0.0039
 Pillai's Trace             0.82528864     2.3529        15        93  0.0066
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     1.44875712     2.6722        15        83  0.0023
 Roy's Greatest Root        1.05511542     6.5417         5        31  0.0003

         NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.

Multivariate multiple regression 11

                        Canonical Correlation Analysis

              Raw Canonical Coefficients for the 'VAR' Variables
                     V1                V2

SAT        0.0032263523      -0.033176025      Student achievement test
PPVT        0.076224788      -0.001671498      Peabody picture vocabulary test
RAVEN      0.0141322568      0.2756473326      Raven progressive matrices test


         SAT        0.0358057012      Student achievement test
         PPVT       -0.048255281      Peabody picture vocabulary test
         RAVEN      0.2104352766      Raven progressive matrices test

             Raw Canonical Coefficients for the 'WITH' Variables
               W1            W2            W3

 N   -0.007150868  0.1599910602  0.0992870525  Named P.A. learning test
 S   -0.075658454  0.0421240468  0.1746238789  Still P.A. learning test
 NS  -0.035321752  0.2381604803  -0.010080608  Named Still P.A. learning test
 NA  0.1579154702  -0.059418808  -0.229030304  Named Action P.A. learning
 SS  0.0435562566  -0.182391116  0.2019492827  Sentence Still P.A. learning

         Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the 'VAR' Variables
                V1          V2          V3

 SAT        0.0713     -0.7332      0.7913    Student achievement test
 PPVT       0.9548     -0.0209     -0.6044    Peabody picture vocabulary test
 RAVEN      0.0437      0.8531      0.6513    Raven progressive matrices test

         Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the 'WITH' Variables
              W1           W2           W3

 N       -0.0211       0.4719       0.2928     Named P.A. learning test
 S       -0.3835       0.2135       0.8850     Still P.A. learning test
 NS      -0.2244       1.5132      -0.0640     Named Still P.A. learning test
 NA       1.1438      -0.4304      -1.6589     Named Action P.A. learning
 SS       0.2774      -1.1618       1.2864     Sentence Still P.A. learning

Multivariate multiple regression 12

                             Canonical Structure

    Correlations Between the 'VAR' Variables and Their Canonical Variables
                V1          V2          V3

 SAT        0.4341     -0.5606      0.7052    Student achievement test
 PPVT       0.9967      0.0102     -0.0803    Peabody picture vocabulary test
 RAVEN      0.3976      0.6906      0.6041    Raven progressive matrices test

   Correlations Between the 'WITH' Variables and Their Canonical Variables
              W1           W2           W3

 N        0.6320       0.3122       0.4004     Named P.A. learning test
 S        0.3879       0.1630       0.4521     Still P.A. learning test
 NS       0.6588       0.6406       0.2112     Named Still P.A. learning test
 NA       0.9422       0.1697       0.0814     Named Action P.A. learning
 SS       0.8371       0.0675       0.4906     Sentence Still P.A. learning

               Correlations Between the 'VAR' Variables and the
                 Canonical Variables of the 'WITH' Variables
                W1          W2          W3

 SAT        0.3111     -0.2750      0.1881    Student achievement test
 PPVT       0.7142      0.0050     -0.0214    Peabody picture vocabulary test
 RAVEN      0.2849      0.3388      0.1612    Raven progressive matrices test

                Correlations Between the 'WITH' Variables and
                the Canonical Variables of the 'VAR' Variables
              V1           V2           V3

 N        0.4529       0.1532       0.1068     Named P.A. learning test
 S        0.2780       0.0800       0.1206     Still P.A. learning test
 NS       0.4721       0.3143       0.0563     Named Still P.A. learning test
 NA       0.6751       0.0833       0.0217     Named Action P.A. learning
 SS       0.5998       0.0331       0.1309     Sentence Still P.A. learning