Output from fuelerr.sas

0 Graphs

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 1

              Variable  Label                Mean       Std Dev
              FUEL      fuel/person   576.7708333   111.8858156
              POPDENS                  -1.1962231     0.6059209

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 2

                             Correlation Analysis

                 Pearson Correlation Coefficients  / N = 48
                  FUEL    POPDENS    POPDEN1    POPDEN2    POPDEN3    POPDEN4

FUEL           1.00000   -0.85263   -0.74345   -0.66167   -0.46873   -0.33894
POPDENS       -0.85263    1.00000    0.90995    0.72140    0.67052    0.40367

POPDEN1       -0.74345    0.90995    1.00000    0.65408    0.59563    0.35699

POPDEN2       -0.66167    0.72140    0.65408    1.00000    0.35849    0.20178

POPDEN3       -0.46873    0.67052    0.59563    0.35849    1.00000    0.38618

POPDEN4       -0.33894    0.40367    0.35699    0.20178    0.38618    1.00000

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 3

A=1, B=2, etc.  Plot of FUEL*POPDENS.    A=1, B=2, etc.  Plot of FUEL*POPDEN1.

  1000 +                                   1000 +
       |     A                                  |      A
       |                                        |
f      |        A                        f      |           A
u  800 +      A                          u  800 +        A
e      |                                 e      |
l      |      A AA                       l      |      B A
/      |         A AAABB A               /      |         ABCBA
p  600 +          A B  A AA A            p  600 +         AAAAAA A
e      |              AB BBBA A          e      |          AC D B  A
r      |               A C A  A          r      |            ACAA
s      |                 A   AA AA A     s      |          A     AAC
o  400 +                          AA     o  400 +               A   A
n      |                       A         n      |                A
       |                                        |
       |                                        |
   200 +                                    200 +
       -+--------+--------+--------+-           -+--------+--------+--------+-
       -3       -2       -1        0            -4       -2        0        2

                   POPDENS                                  POPDEN1

A=1, B=2, etc.  Plot of FUEL*POPDEN2.    A=1, B=2, etc.  Plot of FUEL*POPDEN3.

  1000 +                                   1000 +
       |         A                              |         A
       |                                        |
f      |            A                    f      |   A
u  800 +       A                         u  800 + A
e      |                                 e      |
l      |       A   AA                    l      |           C
/      |        AAAB A C                 /      |        B ADA     A
p  600 +             ABAAAA              p  600 +    A A B   AA         A
e      |             AEABA A             e      |          ABB  AAAB    A
r      |            A AB A   A           r      |    A  A  AB      A
s      |            A  AABA              s      |     A      A   AA    A   A
o  400 +                A      A         o  400 +                  A    A
n      |                 A               n      |             A
       |                                        |
       |                                        |
   200 +                                    200 +
       -+--------+--------+--------+-           -+--------+--------+--------+-
      -5.0     -2.5      0.0      2.5           -4       -2        0        2

                   POPDEN2                                  POPDEN3

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 4

Model: M0
Dependent Variable: FUEL       fuel/person
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            1 427733.51577 427733.51577      122.489       0.0001
       Error           46 160632.96340   3492.02094
       C Total         47 588366.47917

           Root MSE      59.09332     R-square       0.7270
           Dep Mean     576.77083     Adj R-sq       0.7210
           C.V.          10.24555
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1    388.434578   19.03502929        20.406        0.0001
     POPDENS    1   -157.442420   14.22569642       -11.067        0.0001
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept
     POPDENS    1

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 5

Model: M1
Dependent Variable: FUEL       fuel/person
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            1 325203.62207 325203.62207       56.845       0.0001
       Error           46 263162.85709   5720.93168
       C Total         47 588366.47917

           Root MSE      75.63684     R-square       0.5527
           Dep Mean     576.77083     Adj R-sq       0.5430
           C.V.          13.11385
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1    433.419180   21.92471547        19.769        0.0001
     POPDEN1    1   -116.515324   15.45392295        -7.540        0.0001
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept
     POPDEN1    1

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 6

Model: M2
Dependent Variable: FUEL       fuel/person
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            1 257589.31772 257589.31772       35.822       0.0001
       Error           46 330777.16145   7190.80786
       C Total         47 588366.47917

           Root MSE      84.79863     R-square       0.4378
           Dep Mean     576.77083     Adj R-sq       0.4256
           C.V.          14.70231
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1    490.072824   18.96414359        25.842        0.0001
     POPDEN2    1    -81.979839   13.69720570        -5.985        0.0001
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept
     POPDEN2    1

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 7

Model: M3
Dependent Variable: FUEL       fuel/person
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            1 129266.02743 129266.02743       12.952       0.0008
       Error           46 459100.45174   9980.44460
       C Total         47 588366.47917

           Root MSE      99.90218     R-square       0.2197
           Dep Mean     576.77083     Adj R-sq       0.2027
           C.V.          17.32095
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1    524.349067   20.49629921        25.583        0.0001
     POPDEN3    1    -42.455432   11.79684859        -3.599        0.0008
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept
     POPDEN3    1

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 8

Model: M4
Dependent Variable: FUEL       fuel/person
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            1  67590.07057  67590.07057        5.970       0.0184
       Error           46 520776.40859  11321.22627
       C Total         47 588366.47917

           Root MSE     106.40125     R-square       0.1149
           Dep Mean     576.77083     Adj R-sq       0.0956
           C.V.          18.44775
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1    549.879769   18.89396365        29.103        0.0001
     POPDEN4    1    -28.745824   11.76467793        -2.443        0.0184
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept
     POPDEN4    1

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 9

   OBS    _MODEL_    _TYPE_    _DEPVAR_     _RMSE_    INTERCEP     POPDENS
    1       M0       PARMS       FUEL       59.093     388.435    -157.442
    2       M1       PARMS       FUEL       75.637     433.419        .
    3       M2       PARMS       FUEL       84.799     490.073        .
    4       M3       PARMS       FUEL       99.902     524.349        .
    5       M4       PARMS       FUEL      106.401     549.880        .
   OBS    FUEL     POPDEN1     POPDEN2     POPDEN3     POPDEN4
    1      -1         .          .           .           .
    2      -1     -116.515       .           .           .
    3      -1         .       -81.9798       .           .
    4      -1         .          .        -42.4554       .
    5      -1         .          .           .        -28.7458

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 10 Model summary statistics

        OBS    _MODEL_    _DEPVAR_     _RMSE_    INTERCEP     POPDENS
         1       M0         FUEL       59.093     388.435    -157.442
         2       M1         FUEL       75.637     433.419    -116.515
         3       M2         FUEL       84.799     490.073     -81.980
         4       M3         FUEL       99.902     524.349     -42.455
         5       M4         FUEL      106.401     549.880     -28.746

Effects of Errors-in-predictors 11 Coeffieicnts adjusted for unreliability

OBS   _MODEL_   _DEPVAR_    _RMSE_   INTERCEP    POPDENS     RSQ         B
 1      M0        FUEL      59.093    388.435   -157.442   1.00000   -157.442
 2      M1        FUEL      75.637    433.419   -116.515   0.59489   -151.065
 3      M2        FUEL      84.799    490.073    -81.980   0.26853   -158.201
 4      M3        FUEL      99.902    524.349    -42.455   0.14027   -113.356
 5      M4        FUEL     106.401    549.880    -28.746   0.08406    -99.145