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Cross-validation of a regression model 1 Model generation (2/3) sample

Model: MODEL1
Dependent Variable: OXY2
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            4    689.58501    172.39625       24.336       0.0001
       Error           19    134.59670      7.08404
       C Total         23    824.18171

           Root MSE       2.66159     R-square       0.8367
           Dep Mean      47.57392     Adj R-sq       0.8023
           C.V.           5.59463
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1    118.579124   13.89536201         8.534        0.0001
     AGE        1     -0.327746    0.12856049        -2.549        0.0196
     WEIGHT     1     -0.063478    0.06485669        -0.979        0.3400
     RUNTIME    1     -2.789571    0.43211074        -6.456        0.0001
     RUNPULSE   1     -0.124223    0.06474478        -1.919        0.0702

Cross-validation of a regression model 2 Model generation (2/3) sample

                             Dep Var   Predict
                       Obs    OXY2       Value  Residual
                         1   44.6090   44.6498   -0.0408
                         2         .   49.6317         .
                         3   54.2970   55.2007   -0.9037
                         4   59.5710   57.0759    2.4951
                         5   49.8740   52.6424   -2.7684
                         6         .   43.9527         .
                         7         .   45.4476         .
                         8   49.0910   48.9412    0.1498
                         9   39.4420   40.8875   -1.4455
                        10   60.0550   55.7359    4.3191
                        11         .   50.3946         .
                        12   37.3880   36.0229    1.3651
                        13   44.7540   46.7291   -1.9751
                        14         .   48.4571         .
                        15   51.8550   46.1672    5.6878
                        16   49.1560   50.0243   -0.8683
                        17   40.8360   46.0288   -5.1928
                        18   46.6720   48.8986   -2.2266
                        19   46.7740   48.3135   -1.5395
                        20   50.3880   48.8738    1.5142
                        21   39.4070   38.3931    1.0139
                        22   46.0800   45.3036    0.7764
                        23   45.4410   49.4555   -4.0145
                        24   54.6250   54.6736   -0.0486
                        25   45.1180   45.3203   -0.2023
                        26   39.2030   38.2652    0.9378
                        27         .   44.8728         .
                        28   50.5450   50.0618    0.4832
                        29   48.6730   48.3474    0.3256
                        30   47.9200   45.7619    2.1581
                        31         .   45.8732         .

Sum of Residuals                      0
Sum of Squared Residuals       134.5967
Predicted Resid SS (Press)     195.9909

Cross-validation (1/3) sample 3

                             Correlation Analysis
                      2 'VAR' Variables:  PREDICT  OXY

   Pearson Correlation Coefficients / Prob > |R| under Ho: Rho=0 / N = 7
                                           PREDICT               OXY

         PREDICT                           1.00000           0.62949
         Predicted Value of OXY2            0.0               0.1298

         OXY                               0.62949           1.00000
                                            0.1298            0.0