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Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 1

             Forward Selection Procedure for Dependent Variable HOMICIDE
Step 1   Variable H_ARREST Entered  R-square = 0.93791544   C(p) =2216.6453643
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       1          3021.76628470    3021.76628470     166.18   0.0001
   Error           11           200.02339223      18.18394475
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     127.22162580      8.00766827    4589.84309223     252.41   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -1.25352393      0.09724029    3021.76628470     166.18   0.0001

Bounds on condition number:            1,            1

Step 2   Variable GUN_LIC Entered   R-square = 0.98950059   C(p) =369.38937925
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       2          3187.96277815    1593.98138908     471.22   0.0001
   Error           10            33.82689877       3.38268988
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     103.65435246      4.82008401    1564.32885015     462.45   0.0001
   GUN_LIC        0.01413727      0.00201691     166.19649346      49.13   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -1.05746317      0.05041220    1488.40578697     440.01   0.0001

Bounds on condition number:      1.44479,      5.77916

Step 3   Variable H_EARN Entered    R-square = 0.99342188   C(p) =230.81634312
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       3          3200.59637019    1066.86545673     453.06   0.0001
   Error            9            21.19330674       2.35481186
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP      59.40631338     19.52204071      21.80574806       9.26   0.0139
   GUN_LIC        0.01613543      0.00189104     171.44204231      72.80   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.72766743      0.14846622      56.56747267      24.02   0.0008
   H_EARN         4.13239360      1.78408838      12.63359203       5.37   0.0458

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 2

Bounds on condition number:     18.00092,     104.9368

Step 4   Variable POLICE Entered    R-square = 0.99586599   C(p) =145.19846663
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       4          3208.47077154     802.11769289     481.79   0.0001
   Error            8            13.31890538       1.66486317
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP      18.31455641     25.02895215       0.89142748       0.54   0.4852
   POLICE         0.07843010      0.03606312       7.87440136       4.73   0.0614
   GUN_LIC        0.01543980      0.00162190     150.87319423      90.62   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.48904892      0.16619978      14.41525286       8.66   0.0186
   H_EARN         3.66331664      1.51555167       9.72715793       5.84   0.0420

Bounds on condition number:     31.90641,     279.2531

Step 5   Variable UNEMP Entered     R-square = 0.99745366   C(p) = 90.28268650
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       5          3213.58591145     642.71718229     548.41   0.0001
   Error            7             8.20376548       1.17196650
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP      -0.60298011     22.86871314       0.00081478       0.00   0.9797
   POLICE         0.06955742      0.03055401       6.07387328       5.18   0.0569
   UNEMP          0.37962566      0.18171233       5.11513990       4.36   0.0751
   GUN_LIC        0.01767714      0.00173166     122.12725924     104.21   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.34630081      0.15528445       5.82862721       4.97   0.0610
   H_EARN         5.33304997      1.50188622      14.77720973      12.61   0.0093

Bounds on condition number:     39.56729,     435.2339

Step 6   Variable W_EARN Entered    R-square = 0.99926234   C(p) = 27.44404542
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       6          3219.41309539     536.56884923    1354.64   0.0001
   Error            6             2.37658153       0.39609692
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 3

   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     -16.72191178     13.94328480       0.56969594       1.44   0.2756
   POLICE         0.03651373      0.01974175       1.35500999       3.42   0.1139
   UNEMP          0.92651961      0.17745509      10.79776278      27.26   0.0020
   GUN_LIC        0.02164077      0.00144269      89.12467396     225.01   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.20545186      0.09745875       1.76027269       4.44   0.0796
   H_EARN         1.13773641      1.39955248       0.26176188       0.66   0.4473
   W_EARN         0.15280901      0.03984009       5.82718395      14.71   0.0086

Bounds on condition number:     86.90163,     1355.709

Step 7   Variable GOV_WRK Entered   R-square = 0.99958149   C(p) = 18.00299820
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       7          3220.44132617     460.06304660    1706.02   0.0001
   Error            5             1.34835075       0.26967015
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     -26.31464983     12.50981110       1.19323659       4.42   0.0894
   POLICE         0.03851022      0.01632132       1.50132400       5.57   0.0648
   UNEMP          1.06855981      0.16349470      11.51922294      42.72   0.0013
   GUN_LIC        0.01873958      0.00190381      26.12789979      96.89   0.0002
   H_ARREST      -0.16252910      0.08336514       1.02500545       3.80   0.1087
   GOV_WRK        0.05727119      0.02932968       1.02823078       3.81   0.1083
   H_EARN        -1.22414875      1.67230491       0.14450083       0.54   0.4970
   W_EARN         0.18169826      0.03604861       6.85105463      25.41   0.0040

Bounds on condition number:     116.2615,     2601.032

Step 8   Variable MFG_WRK Entered   R-square = 0.99965337   C(p) = 17.42620640
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       8          3220.67290783     402.58411348    1441.96   0.0001
   Error            4             1.11676909       0.27919227
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     -21.89755715     13.62142280       0.72152234       2.58   0.1832
   POLICE         0.03192350      0.01811341       0.86720922       3.11   0.1528
   UNEMP          0.96292526      0.20279826       6.29448350      22.55   0.0090
   MFG_WRK       -0.01274919      0.01399852       0.23158166       0.83   0.4139
   GUN_LIC        0.01921375      0.00200588      25.61642995      91.75   0.0007
   H_ARREST      -0.14780744      0.08635061       0.81802234       2.93   0.1621

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 4

   GOV_WRK        0.07135685      0.03361251       1.25826692       4.51   0.1010
   H_EARN        -1.61603623      1.75513583       0.23669229       0.85   0.4093
   W_EARN         0.19800235      0.04081497       6.57060227      23.53   0.0083

Bounds on condition number:      129.397,     3600.186

Step 9   Variable NMFG_WRK Entered  R-square = 0.99975026   C(p) = 15.95289166
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       9          3220.98506187     357.88722910    1334.38   0.0001
   Error            3             0.80461505       0.26820502
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     -18.68810328     13.67814643       0.50065995       1.87   0.2653
   POLICE         0.03030895      0.01781639       0.77619228       2.89   0.1875
   UNEMP          0.83170669      0.23302945       3.41653329      12.74   0.0376
   MFG_WRK       -0.02390563      0.01718107       0.51923842       1.94   0.2583
   GUN_LIC        0.01815381      0.00219784      18.29828348      68.22   0.0037
   H_ARREST      -0.17738661      0.08896479       1.06628250       3.98   0.1402
   NMFG_WRK       0.02518400      0.02334392       0.31215404       1.16   0.3597
   GOV_WRK        0.03563195      0.04671101       0.15606575       0.58   0.5011
   H_EARN        -1.57507345      1.72067262       0.22473568       0.84   0.4275
   W_EARN         0.17877459      0.04379450       4.46929755      16.66   0.0266

Bounds on condition number:     218.9953,     7088.015

Step10   Variable GUN_REG Entered   R-square = 0.99983159   C(p) = 15.03711140
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression      10          3221.24710913     322.12471091    1187.41   0.0008
   Error            2             0.54256780       0.27128390
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     -22.46928165     14.28428106       0.67125204       2.47   0.2564
   POLICE         0.02816180      0.01805105       0.66029789       2.43   0.2591
   UNEMP          0.87548597      0.23855876       3.65368975      13.47   0.0669
   MFG_WRK       -0.03151905      0.01893634       0.75158484       2.77   0.2379
   GUN_LIC        0.01904497      0.00238917      17.23821431      63.54   0.0154
   GUN_REG       -0.00188573      0.00191868       0.26204725       0.97   0.4293
   H_ARREST      -0.13697657      0.09846889       0.52495065       1.94   0.2988
   NMFG_WRK       0.02564821      0.02348227       0.32363663       1.19   0.3888
   GOV_WRK        0.06529333      0.05583704       0.37095140       1.37   0.3628
   H_EARN        -3.05808582      2.29598553       0.48126587       1.77   0.3144

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 5

   W_EARN         0.21235728      0.05574518       3.93680251      14.51   0.0625

Bounds on condition number:     248.4159,     10692.52

Step11   Variable W_MALE Entered    R-square = 0.99997210   C(p) = 12.00000000
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression      11          3221.69980484     292.88180044    3258.87   0.0137
   Error            1             0.08987209       0.08987209
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     -91.52569420     31.84848803       0.74222102       8.26   0.2132
   POLICE         0.02409693      0.01054638       0.46918212       5.22   0.2626
   UNEMP          0.57248851      0.19256088       0.79436893       8.84   0.2066
   MFG_WRK       -0.05859736      0.01625916       1.16730659      12.99   0.1723
   GUN_LIC        0.02136905      0.00172143      13.84897661     154.10   0.0512
   GUN_REG       -0.00333585      0.00127947       0.61091360       6.80   0.2332
   H_ARREST      -0.08272431      0.06161572       0.16199740       1.80   0.4076
   W_MALE         0.00009005      0.00004012       0.45269571       5.04   0.2668
   NMFG_WRK       0.04964304      0.01723305       0.74579155       8.30   0.2127
   GOV_WRK        0.18120758      0.06083004       0.79751956       8.87   0.2062
   H_EARN        -6.09646172      1.89185727       0.93326245      10.38   0.1916
   W_EARN         0.30522415      0.05236046       3.05390667      33.98   0.1082

Bounds on condition number:     896.0561,     36604.48

All variables have been entered into the model.

       Summary of Forward Selection Procedure for Dependent Variable HOMICIDE

           Variable   Number   Partial     Model
   Step    Entered        In      R**2      R**2        C(p)           F   Prob>F
      1    H_ARREST        1    0.9379    0.9379   2216.6454    166.1777   0.0001
          % homicides cleared by arrests
      2    GUN_LIC         2    0.0516    0.9895    369.3894     49.1315   0.0001
          Handgun licences per 100,000 pop
      3    H_EARN          3    0.0039    0.9934    230.8163      5.3650   0.0458
          Average hourly earnings
      4    POLICE          4    0.0024    0.9959    145.1985      4.7298   0.0614
          Full-time police per 100,000 pop
      5    UNEMP           5    0.0016    0.9975     90.2827      4.3646   0.0751
          % unemployed in the pop
      6    W_EARN          6    0.0018    0.9993     27.4440     14.7115   0.0086
          Average weekly earnings
      7    GOV_WRK         7    0.0003    0.9996     18.0030      3.8129   0.1083

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 6

          Government workers (000)
      8    MFG_WRK         8    0.0001    0.9997     17.4262      0.8295   0.4139
          Manufacturing workers (000)
      9    NMFG_WRK        9    0.0001    0.9998     15.9529      1.1639   0.3597
          Non-manufacturing workers (000)
     10    GUN_REG        10    0.0001    0.9998     15.0371      0.9660   0.4293
          Handgun registrations per 100,000 pop
     11    W_MALE         11    0.0001    1.0000     12.0000      5.0371   0.2668
          White males in the population

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 7

           Backward Elimination Procedure for Dependent Variable HOMICIDE
Step 0    All Variables Entered     R-square = 0.99997210   C(p) = 12.00000000
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression      11          3221.69980484     292.88180044    3258.87   0.0137
   Error            1             0.08987209       0.08987209
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     -91.52569420     31.84848803       0.74222102       8.26   0.2132
   POLICE         0.02409693      0.01054638       0.46918212       5.22   0.2626
   UNEMP          0.57248851      0.19256088       0.79436893       8.84   0.2066
   MFG_WRK       -0.05859736      0.01625916       1.16730659      12.99   0.1723
   GUN_LIC        0.02136905      0.00172143      13.84897661     154.10   0.0512
   GUN_REG       -0.00333585      0.00127947       0.61091360       6.80   0.2332
   H_ARREST      -0.08272431      0.06161572       0.16199740       1.80   0.4076
   W_MALE         0.00009005      0.00004012       0.45269571       5.04   0.2668
   NMFG_WRK       0.04964304      0.01723305       0.74579155       8.30   0.2127
   GOV_WRK        0.18120758      0.06083004       0.79751956       8.87   0.2062
   H_EARN        -6.09646172      1.89185727       0.93326245      10.38   0.1916
   W_EARN         0.30522415      0.05236046       3.05390667      33.98   0.1082

Bounds on condition number:     896.0561,     36604.48

Step 1   Variable H_ARREST Removed  R-square = 0.99992182   C(p) = 11.80253302
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression      10          3221.53780743     322.15378074    2558.10   0.0004
   Error            2             0.25186949       0.12593474
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP    -116.33857317     30.70374955       1.80804903      14.36   0.0631
   POLICE         0.02474262      0.01247130       0.49569387       3.94   0.1857
   UNEMP          0.58404343      0.22771635       0.82841396       6.58   0.1243
   MFG_WRK       -0.06676828      0.01784762       1.76248443      14.00   0.0646
   GUN_LIC        0.02260555      0.00172157      21.71326498     172.42   0.0057
   GUN_REG       -0.00424564      0.00128471       1.37537698      10.92   0.0806
   W_MALE         0.00011118      0.00004369       0.81564896       6.48   0.1259
   NMFG_WRK       0.05074124      0.02037664       0.78091247       6.20   0.1304
   GOV_WRK        0.23043273      0.05745780       2.02551734      16.08   0.0569
   H_EARN        -7.43075076      1.90559767       1.91491073      15.21   0.0599
   W_EARN         0.35235235      0.04599029       7.39209801      58.70   0.0166

Bounds on condition number:     758.1428,     24113.14

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 8


Step 2   Variable POLICE Removed    R-square = 0.99976797   C(p) = 15.31808175
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       9          3221.04211356     357.89356817    1436.24   0.0001
   Error            3             0.74756336       0.24918779
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP    -122.42967222     42.97341881       2.02255488       8.12   0.0652
   UNEMP          0.53365411      0.31832193       0.70034712       2.81   0.1922
   MFG_WRK       -0.08196236      0.02267681       3.25530625      13.06   0.0364
   GUN_LIC        0.02420871      0.00213834      31.93864965     128.17   0.0015
   GUN_REG       -0.00488870      0.00174869       1.94753942       7.82   0.0681
   W_MALE         0.00012906      0.00006013       1.14808754       4.61   0.1211
   NMFG_WRK       0.05783119      0.02821886       1.04657927       4.20   0.1328
   GOV_WRK        0.26218086      0.07762601       2.84259017      11.41   0.0432
   H_EARN        -8.77947969      2.50416116       3.06294895      12.29   0.0393
   W_EARN         0.40186821      0.05433811      13.62965855      54.70   0.0051

Bounds on condition number:     725.8563,     19190.98

Step 3   Variable UNEMP Removed     R-square = 0.99955059   C(p) = 21.11079192
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       8          3220.34176644     402.54272081    1112.07   0.0001
   Error            4             1.44791048       0.36197762
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP    -173.78732365     36.32262349       8.28635419      22.89   0.0087
   MFG_WRK       -0.11660290      0.01126005      38.81679058     107.24   0.0005
   GUN_LIC        0.02547560      0.00241093      40.41671418     111.66   0.0005
   GUN_REG       -0.00574839      0.00201495       2.94607181       8.14   0.0463
   W_MALE         0.00020775      0.00004530       7.61465905      21.04   0.0101
   NMFG_WRK       0.09185639      0.02362974       5.46994008      15.11   0.0177
   GOV_WRK        0.33620857      0.07694697       6.91060689      19.09   0.0120
   H_EARN       -10.49787869      2.75371886       5.26072528      14.53   0.0189
   W_EARN         0.44897820      0.05605352      23.22343277      64.16   0.0013

Bounds on condition number:     283.5643,     9479.216

All variables left in the model are significant at the 0.1000 level.

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 9

      Summary of Backward Elimination Procedure for Dependent Variable HOMICIDE

           Variable   Number   Partial     Model
   Step    Removed        In      R**2      R**2        C(p)           F   Prob>F
      1    H_ARREST       10    0.0001    0.9999     11.8025      1.8025   0.4076
          % homicides cleared by arrests
      2    POLICE          9    0.0002    0.9998     15.3181      3.9361   0.1857
          Full-time police per 100,000 pop
      3    UNEMP           8    0.0002    0.9996     21.1108      2.8105   0.1922
          % unemployed in the pop

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 10

                 Stepwise Procedure for Dependent Variable HOMICIDE
Step 1   Variable H_ARREST Entered  R-square = 0.93791544   C(p) =2216.6453643
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       1          3021.76628470    3021.76628470     166.18   0.0001
   Error           11           200.02339223      18.18394475
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     127.22162580      8.00766827    4589.84309223     252.41   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -1.25352393      0.09724029    3021.76628470     166.18   0.0001

Bounds on condition number:            1,            1

Step 2   Variable GUN_LIC Entered   R-square = 0.98950059   C(p) =369.38937925
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       2          3187.96277815    1593.98138908     471.22   0.0001
   Error           10            33.82689877       3.38268988
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     103.65435246      4.82008401    1564.32885015     462.45   0.0001
   GUN_LIC        0.01413727      0.00201691     166.19649346      49.13   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -1.05746317      0.05041220    1488.40578697     440.01   0.0001

Bounds on condition number:      1.44479,      5.77916

Step 3   Variable H_EARN Entered    R-square = 0.99342188   C(p) =230.81634312
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       3          3200.59637019    1066.86545673     453.06   0.0001
   Error            9            21.19330674       2.35481186
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP      59.40631338     19.52204071      21.80574806       9.26   0.0139
   GUN_LIC        0.01613543      0.00189104     171.44204231      72.80   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.72766743      0.14846622      56.56747267      24.02   0.0008
   H_EARN         4.13239360      1.78408838      12.63359203       5.37   0.0458

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 11

Bounds on condition number:     18.00092,     104.9368

Step 4   Variable POLICE Entered    R-square = 0.99586599   C(p) =145.19846663
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       4          3208.47077154     802.11769289     481.79   0.0001
   Error            8            13.31890538       1.66486317
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP      18.31455641     25.02895215       0.89142748       0.54   0.4852
   POLICE         0.07843010      0.03606312       7.87440136       4.73   0.0614
   GUN_LIC        0.01543980      0.00162190     150.87319423      90.62   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.48904892      0.16619978      14.41525286       8.66   0.0186
   H_EARN         3.66331664      1.51555167       9.72715793       5.84   0.0420

Bounds on condition number:     31.90641,     279.2531

Step 5   Variable UNEMP Entered     R-square = 0.99745366   C(p) = 90.28268650
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       5          3213.58591145     642.71718229     548.41   0.0001
   Error            7             8.20376548       1.17196650
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP      -0.60298011     22.86871314       0.00081478       0.00   0.9797
   POLICE         0.06955742      0.03055401       6.07387328       5.18   0.0569
   UNEMP          0.37962566      0.18171233       5.11513990       4.36   0.0751
   GUN_LIC        0.01767714      0.00173166     122.12725924     104.21   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.34630081      0.15528445       5.82862721       4.97   0.0610
   H_EARN         5.33304997      1.50188622      14.77720973      12.61   0.0093

Bounds on condition number:     39.56729,     435.2339

Step 6   Variable W_EARN Entered    R-square = 0.99926234   C(p) = 27.44404542
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       6          3219.41309539     536.56884923    1354.64   0.0001
   Error            6             2.37658153       0.39609692
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 12

   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     -16.72191178     13.94328480       0.56969594       1.44   0.2756
   POLICE         0.03651373      0.01974175       1.35500999       3.42   0.1139
   UNEMP          0.92651961      0.17745509      10.79776278      27.26   0.0020
   GUN_LIC        0.02164077      0.00144269      89.12467396     225.01   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.20545186      0.09745875       1.76027269       4.44   0.0796
   H_EARN         1.13773641      1.39955248       0.26176188       0.66   0.4473
   W_EARN         0.15280901      0.03984009       5.82718395      14.71   0.0086

Bounds on condition number:     86.90163,     1355.709

Step 7   Variable H_EARN Removed    R-square = 0.99918109   C(p) = 28.35665032
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       5          3219.15133351     643.83026670    1708.20   0.0001
   Error            7             2.63834341       0.37690620
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP     -15.20438951     13.47887216       0.47958341       1.27   0.2965
   POLICE         0.03278158      0.01872961       1.15461126       3.06   0.1235
   UNEMP          0.98859738      0.15625561      15.08693230      40.03   0.0004
   GUN_LIC        0.02196937      0.00135094      99.67700048     264.46   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.21439076      0.09446148       1.94149325       5.15   0.0575
   W_EARN         0.17812060      0.02424528      20.34263180      53.97   0.0002

Bounds on condition number:      45.5273,     569.8433

Step 8   Variable W_MALE Entered    R-square = 0.99957603   C(p) = 16.19876482
                   DF         Sum of Squares      Mean Square          F   Prob>F
   Regression       6          3220.42373222     536.73728870    2357.65   0.0001
   Error            6             1.36594470       0.22765745
   Total           12          3221.78967692
                   Parameter        Standard          Type II
   Variable         Estimate           Error   Sum of Squares          F   Prob>F
   INTERCEP       5.67086602     13.70060987       0.03900325       0.17   0.6933
   POLICE         0.03683079      0.01465679       1.43756180       6.31   0.0457
   UNEMP          1.08915739      0.12867340      16.31118899      71.65   0.0001
   GUN_LIC        0.01819450      0.00191100      20.63679493      90.65   0.0001
   H_ARREST      -0.18400319      0.07453076       1.38759078       6.10   0.0485
   W_MALE        -0.00003798      0.00001606       1.27239871       5.59   0.0560
   W_EARN         0.14310790      0.02396658       8.11702731      35.65   0.0010

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 13

Bounds on condition number:     56.71134,     1243.763

All variables left in the model are significant at the 0.1500 level.
No other variable met the 0.1500 significance level for entry into the model.

            Summary of Stepwise Procedure for Dependent Variable HOMICIDE

          Variable        Number   Partial    Model
   Step   Entered Removed     In      R**2     R**2      C(p)          F   Prob>F
      1   H_ARREST             1    0.9379   0.9379 2216.6454   166.1777   0.0001
          % homicides cleared by arrests
      2   GUN_LIC              2    0.0516   0.9895  369.3894    49.1315   0.0001
          Handgun licences per 100,000 pop
      3   H_EARN               3    0.0039   0.9934  230.8163     5.3650   0.0458
          Average hourly earnings
      4   POLICE               4    0.0024   0.9959  145.1985     4.7298   0.0614
          Full-time police per 100,000 pop
      5   UNEMP                5    0.0016   0.9975   90.2827     4.3646   0.0751
          % unemployed in the pop
      6   W_EARN               6    0.0018   0.9993   27.4440    14.7115   0.0086
          Average weekly earnings
      7           H_EARN       5    0.0001   0.9992   28.3567     0.6609   0.4473
                  Average hourly earnings
      8   W_MALE               6    0.0004   0.9996   16.1988     5.5891   0.0560
          White males in the population

Stepwise selection methods on Detroit Homicide data 14

  N = 13     Regression Models for Dependent Variable: HOMICIDE

        R-square     C(p)      MSE Variables in Model
      1 0.937915   2216.6   18.184 H_ARREST
      1 0.929414   2521.4   20.674 POLICE
      1 0.917869   2935.3   24.055 GOV_WRK
      1 0.913811   3080.7   25.244 NMFG_WRK
      1 0.907399   3310.6   27.122 W_MALE
      2 0.989501    369.4    3.383 GUN_LIC H_ARREST
      2 0.986103    491.2    4.477 UNEMP W_MALE
      2 0.983098    598.9    5.445 POLICE GOV_WRK
      2 0.982776    610.5    5.549 GUN_REG H_ARREST
      2 0.980613    688.0    6.246 MFG_WRK NMFG_WRK
      3 0.997898  70.3666    0.753 UNEMP GUN_LIC W_EARN
      3 0.993422    230.8    2.355 GUN_LIC H_ARREST H_EARN
      3 0.992847    251.4    2.561 POLICE GUN_LIC H_ARREST
      3 0.992704    256.6    2.612 MFG_WRK GUN_LIC W_EARN
      3 0.992228    273.6    2.782 GUN_LIC H_ARREST W_EARN
      4 0.998823  39.2039    0.474 UNEMP GUN_LIC H_ARREST W_EARN
      4 0.998578  47.9595    0.572 POLICE UNEMP GUN_LIC W_EARN
      4 0.998373  55.3093    0.655 UNEMP GUN_LIC W_MALE W_EARN
      4 0.998321  57.2014    0.676 UNEMP GUN_LIC GOV_WRK W_EARN
      4 0.998019  68.0042    0.798 UNEMP GUN_LIC NMFG_WRK W_EARN
      5 0.999186  28.1953    0.375 POLICE UNEMP GUN_LIC GOV_WRK W_EARN
      5 0.999181  28.3567    0.377 POLICE UNEMP GUN_LIC H_ARREST W_EARN
      5 0.999145  29.6384    0.393 POLICE UNEMP GUN_LIC W_MALE W_EARN
      5 0.999130  30.1944    0.401 UNEMP GUN_LIC H_ARREST W_MALE W_EARN
      5 0.999030  33.7688    0.446 UNEMP GUN_LIC H_ARREST GOV_WRK W_EARN