Output from basecox.sas

1 Graph

Baseball Hitters Data 1

Model: M0
Dependent Variable: SALARY     Salary (in 1000$)
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            4 42304365.265 10576091.316      247.803       0.0001
       Error          258 11011285.427 42679.400881
       C Total        262 53315650.692

           Root MSE     206.58993     R-square       0.7935
           Dep Mean     535.96578     Adj R-sq       0.7903
           C.V.          38.54536
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1    519.853402   25.22649596        20.607        0.0001
     YEARS      1      6.615105    6.53031628         1.013        0.3120
     HITSC      1      0.259731    0.07046475         3.686        0.0003
     RBIC       1     -0.159040    0.12920620        -1.231        0.2195
     G          1      0.938615    0.04097126        22.909        0.0001
     Variable  DF     Label
     INTERCEP   1  Intercept
     YEARS      1  Years in the Major Leagues
     HITSC      1  Career Hits
     RBIC       1  Career Runs Batted In
     G          1  Constructed variable

Partial Regression Influence plot for Box-Cox power 2 Slope: 0.939 Power: 0

              Plot of _RESX_*_RESG_.  Symbol is value of LNAME.

   2000 +
        |                                                               S
   1500 +
        |                                                       S
        |                                                   M          M
   1000 +
        |                                           H  M          R
P       |                                       B     C
a       |                                 G        H
r       |                              BH
t       |                         K  SHR  M
i   500 +                           D   C      W
a       |                        D D
l       |                       BDWGL W
        |                     DBTETG   BD
S       |                   FBBMDSRA  D
a       |                  WVSDMPKGLGS
l     0 +-----------------PWWDFIBRBBAB----------------------------------------
a       |               D MMDETCLRGBR
r       |                 BLHMGSGLRRM
y       |                P TBDLPGNB
        |               PMCGPCBSB
        |              HB B P S L
   -500 +           D E        S
        |                C
        |              M
        |         S
        |             N
  -1000 +               R
        |    J
  -1500 +
        -1000      -500         0         500       1000       1500       2000

                             Partial Constructed Variable

NOTE: 59 obs had missing values.  138 obs hidden.


Graphic output from basecox.sas

BoxCox influence plot for Salary
[GPLOT 09/27/99 ]