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Output from imlreg1.sas |
0 Graphs |
NOTE: Capture of log output started.
NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) file n:\psy6140\examples\iml\imlreg1.sas is file n:\psy6140\examples\iml\imlreg1.sas.
972 + /****************************************************************/ 973 + /* NAME: IMLREG1 */ 974 + /* TITLE: Regression with IML */ 975 + /* DATA: THERAPY data */ 976 + /****************************************************************/ 977 + 978 +data THERAPY; 979 + input NAME $ SEX $ PERSTEST THERAPY INTEXT; 980 + 981 + If SEX = 'F' then SX = 1; /* Dummy variable for sex */ 982 + else SX = 0; 983 +cards;
NOTE: The data set WORK.THERAPY has 10 observations and 6 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.22 seconds.
994 +; 995 +proc iml;
IML Ready
996 + 997 + /*---------REGRESSION ROUTINE------------*/ 998 + /* given X, and y, this fits y = X b + e */ 999 + /* by least squares. */ 1000 + 1001 +start reg; 1002 + n = nrow(X); 1002 + /* number of observations */ 1003 + k = ncol(X); 1003 + /* number of variables */ 1004 + xpx = X`*X; 1004 + /* cross-products, X'X */ 1005 + xpy = X`*y; 1006 + xpxi = inv(xpx); 1006 + /* inverse crossproducts */ 1007 + b = xpxi*xpy; 1007 + /* parameter estimates */ 1008 + 1009 + yhat = X*b; 1009 + /* predicted values */ 1010 + resid = y-yhat; 1010 + /* residuals */ 1011 + sse = resid`*resid; 1011 + /* sum of squared errors */ 1012 + dfe = n-k; 1012 + /* degrees of freedom error */ 1013 + mse = sse/dfe; 1013 + /* mean squared error */ 1014 + rmse = sqrt(mse); 1014 + /* root mean squared error */
1016 + 1017 + covb = xpxi#mse; 1017 + /* covariance of estimates */ 1018 + stdb = sqrt(vecdiag(covb)); 1018 + /* standard errors */ 1019 + t = b/stdb; 1019 + /* ttest for estimates=0 */ 1020 + probt = 1-probf(t#t,1,dfe); 1020 + /* significance probability */ 1021 + print vnames b stdb t[f=7.3] 1022 + probt[f=7.4]; 1023 + s = diag(1/stdb); 1024 + corrb = s*covb*s; 1024 + /* correlation of estimates */ 1025 + print "Covariance of Estimates", covb[r=vnames c=vnames], 1026 + "Correlation of Estimates",corrb[r=vnames c=vnames f=7.3]; 1027 + 1028 + if nrow(alpha)= 0 then return; 1028 + /* is alpha specified? */ 1029 + H = X*xpxi*X`; 1029 + /* hat matrix */ 1030 + vresid = (I(n)-H)*mse; 1030 + /* covariance of residuals */ 1031 + vpred = H#mse; 1031 + /* covariance of yhat values */ 1032 + hat= vecdiag(H); 1032 + /* hat leverage values */ 1033 + 1034 + alpha=.05; 1035 + t = tinv(1-alpha/2,dfe); 1036 + lowerm=yhat-t#sqrt(hat*mse); 1036 + /* lower conf. limit for mean */ 1037 + upperm=yhat+t#sqrt(hat*mse); 1037 + /* upper */ 1038 + lower =yhat-t#sqrt(hat*mse+mse); 1038 + /* lower conf. limit for indiv */ 1039 + upper =yhat+t#sqrt(hat*mse+mse); 1039 + /* upper */ 1040 + print "Predicted Values, Residuals, Leverage, and Conf. Limits" , 1041 + id y yhat resid[f=6.2] hat[f=6.2] 1042 + lowerm[f=6.2] upperm[f=6.2] 1043 + /* lower[f=6.2] upper[f=6.2] */ ; 1044 +finish;
NOTE: Module REG defined.
1045 + 1046 + 1047 + /*---routine to test a linear combination of the estimates---*/ 1048 + /* given L, this routine tests hypothesis that L b = 0. */ 1049 + 1050 +start test; 1051 + dfh=nrow(L); 1051 + /* degrees of freedom of test */ 1052 + Lb=L*b; 1052 + /* lin. comb of coeffs tested */ 1053 + vlb=L*xpxi*L`; 1053 + /* variance of LB */ 1054 + q=Lb`*inv(vlb)*lb /dfh; 1054 + /* Mean square for H0: LB=0 */ 1055 + f=q/mse; 1056 + prob=1-probf(f,dfh,dfe); 1057 + print l[c=vnames], lb f dfh dfe prob; 1058 +finish;
NOTE: Module TEST defined.
1059 + 1060 + /* Read the SAS data set THERAPY into IML variables */ 1061 + use therapy; 1062 + read all var{THERAPY} into y; 1063 + read all var{PERSTEST INTEXT SX} into X[r=NAME c=VNAMES]; 1064 + 1065 + X = J( nrow(X),1) || X; 1065 + /* add column of 1s */ 1066 + vnames = 'Intercept' // vnames`; 1067 + id = name; 1068 + 1069 + alpha=.05; 1069 + /* Error rate for confidence intervals */ 1070 + run reg; 1071 + 1072 + print "Test Coef for X1"; 1072 + L= {0 1 0 0}; 1072 + run test; 1073 +* print "TEST Coef for X1, X2"; 1073 + L= {0 1 0 0,0 0 1 0} ; 1073 + *run test; 1074 +quit;
Exiting IML.
NOTE: The PROCEDURE IML used 0.59 seconds.
1075 +
NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) ending.