Output from imlmat2.sas

0 Graphs

NOTE: Capture of log output started.
NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) file n:\psy6140\examples\iml\imlmat2.sas is file
721  +title 'IMLMAT2: Matrix arithmetic: +, -, #';
722  +options nodate;
723  +proc iml;
IML Ready
724  +   reset print log;
725  +
726  +   *--(1) matrix addition and subtraction;
727  +   a = {1 2 3, 4 5 6};
                A             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                                1         2         3
                                4         5         6

728  +   b = {5 1 0, 3 -2 1};
                B             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                                5         1         0
                                3        -2         1

729  +   c = {2 2 2, 1 1 1};
                C             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                                2         2         2
                                1         1         1

730  +   *-- matrices are added elementwise (must be same order);
731  +   d = a + b;
                D             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                                6         3         3
                                7         3         7

732  +   d = a + {1 3, 3 10};
ERROR: (execution) Matrices do not conform to the operation.
 operation : +        at line   732 column  10
 operands  : A, *LIT1004

A             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

         1         2         3
         4         5         6

*LIT1004      2 rows      2 cols    (numeric)

         1         3
         3        10

 statement : ASSIGN          at line   732 column   4
733  +   *-- matrices are subtracted elementwise;
734  +   d = a - b;
                D             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                               -4         1         3
                                1         7         5

735  +   *-- negation is also elementwise;
736  +   d = -a;
                D             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                               -1        -2        -3
                               -4        -5        -6

737  +
738  +   *--(2) properties of matrix addition, subtraction;
739  +   *   a. commutative: A + B = B + A;
740  +   print ( A + B ) ( B + A );
          #TEM1001                      #TEM1002
                 6         3         3         6         3         3
                 7         3         7         7         3         7
741  +   equal = all( (A + B) = (B + A) );
                EQUAL         1 row       1 col     (numeric)


742  +   *   b. associative: A + (B+C) = (A+B) + C;
743  +   print ( (A+B) + C ) ( A + (B+C) );
          #TEM1002                      #TEM1004
                 8         5         5         8         5         5
                 8         4         8         8         4         8
744  +   *   c. - A is additive inverse of A;
745  +   d = A - A;
                D             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                                0         0         0
                                0         0         0

746  +
747  +   *--(3) Product of a matrix and a scalar: elementwise;
748  +   d = 3 # A;
                D             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                                3         6         9
                               12        15        18

749  +   *   this product is also commutative:
750  +   d = A # 3;
751  +   *   ...and distributive over addition:
752  +   print ( 3 # (A + B) )  ( (3#A) + (3#B) );
753  +   *   multiplication by 1 and 0;
754  +   d = 1 # A;
                D             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                                1         2         3
                                4         5         6

755  +   d = 0 # A;
                D             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                                0         0         0
                                0         0         0

756  +
757  +   *--(4) Elementwise product and division;
758  +   d = A # B;
                D             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                                5         2         0
                               12       -10         6

759  +   *-- division is NOT actually part of matrix algebra,
760  +       but elementwise division is a natural extension;
761  +   d = A / 2;
                D             2 rows      3 cols    (numeric)

                              0.5         1       1.5
                                2       2.5         3

762  +quit;
Exiting IML.
NOTE: The PROCEDURE IML used 0.16 seconds.

763  +
NOTE: %INCLUDE (level 1) ending.