Output from repm2.sas

0 Graphs


             OBS     GROUP     SEX    SUBJ    PRE    POST    FOL
               1    Control     M       1      2       3      3
               2    Control     M       2      4       3      4
               3    Control     M       3      6       5      7
               4    Control     F       4      5       3      4
               5    Control     F       5      4       6      4
               6    Treat_A     M       6      8       9      9
               7    Treat_A     M       7      5       8      9
               8    Treat_A     F       8      3       5      6
               9    Treat_A     F       9      4       4      5
              10    Treat_B     M      10      4       7      8
              11    Treat_B     M      11      3       5      6
              12    Treat_B     M      12      6       9      8
              13    Treat_B     F      13      6       6      8
              14    Treat_B     F      14      2       5      6
              15    Treat_B     F      15      3       7      7
              16    Treat_B     F      16      5       7      8


            GROUP     N Obs  Variable          Mean       Std Dev
            Control       5  PRE          4.2000000     1.4832397
                             POST         4.0000000     1.4142136
                             FOL          4.4000000     1.5165751

            Treat_A       4  PRE          5.0000000     2.1602469
                             POST         6.5000000     2.3804761
                             FOL          7.2500000     2.0615528

            Treat_B       7  PRE          4.1428571     1.5735916
                             POST         6.5714286     1.3972763
                             FOL          7.2857143     0.9511897

Univariate mixed model approach 3 Reshaped data for mixed model analysis

           OBS     GROUP     SEX    SUBJ    PHASE         RESPONSE
             1    Control     M       1     1:Pre             2
             2    Control     M       1     2:Post            3
             3    Control     M       1     3:FollowUp        3
             4    Control     M       2     1:Pre             4
             5    Control     M       2     2:Post            3
             6    Control     M       2     3:FollowUp        4
             7    Control     M       3     1:Pre             6
             8    Control     M       3     2:Post            5
             9    Control     M       3     3:FollowUp        7
            10    Control     F       4     1:Pre             5
            11    Control     F       4     2:Post            3
            12    Control     F       4     3:FollowUp        4
            13    Control     F       5     1:Pre             4
            14    Control     F       5     2:Post            6
            15    Control     F       5     3:FollowUp        4
            16    Treat_A     M       6     1:Pre             8
            17    Treat_A     M       6     2:Post            9
            18    Treat_A     M       6     3:FollowUp        9
            19    Treat_A     M       7     1:Pre             5
            20    Treat_A     M       7     2:Post            8
            21    Treat_A     M       7     3:FollowUp        9
            22    Treat_A     F       8     1:Pre             3
            23    Treat_A     F       8     2:Post            5
            24    Treat_A     F       8     3:FollowUp        6
            25    Treat_A     F       9     1:Pre             4
            26    Treat_A     F       9     2:Post            4
            27    Treat_A     F       9     3:FollowUp        5
            28    Treat_B     M      10     1:Pre             4
            29    Treat_B     M      10     2:Post            7
            30    Treat_B     M      10     3:FollowUp        8
            31    Treat_B     M      11     1:Pre             3
            32    Treat_B     M      11     2:Post            5
            33    Treat_B     M      11     3:FollowUp        6
            34    Treat_B     M      12     1:Pre             6
            35    Treat_B     M      12     2:Post            9
            36    Treat_B     M      12     3:FollowUp        8
            37    Treat_B     F      13     1:Pre             6
            38    Treat_B     F      13     2:Post            6
            39    Treat_B     F      13     3:FollowUp        8
            40    Treat_B     F      14     1:Pre             2
            41    Treat_B     F      14     2:Post            5
            42    Treat_B     F      14     3:FollowUp        6
            43    Treat_B     F      15     1:Pre             3
            44    Treat_B     F      15     2:Post            7
            45    Treat_B     F      15     3:FollowUp        7
            46    Treat_B     F      16     1:Pre             5
            47    Treat_B     F      16     2:Post            7
            48    Treat_B     F      16     3:FollowUp        8

Univariate mixed model approach 4

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                           Class Level Information

          Class    Levels    Values
          GROUP         3    Control Treat_A Treat_B

          PHASE         3    1:Pre 2:Post 3:FollowUp

          SUBJ         16    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

                   Number of observations in data set = 48

Univariate mixed model approach 5

                       General Linear Models Procedure

Dependent Variable: RESPONSE
                                    Sum of           Mean
Source                  DF         Squares         Square   F Value     Pr > F
Model                   21     169.5666667      8.0746032     11.39     0.0001

Error                   26      18.4333333      0.7089744

Corrected Total         47     188.0000000

                  R-Square            C.V.       Root MSE        RESPONSE Mean
                  0.901950        15.30920       0.842006             5.500000

Source                  DF     Type III SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
GROUP                    2     37.35000000    18.67500000     26.34     0.0001
SUBJ(GROUP)             13     83.31666667     6.40897436      9.04     0.0001
PHASE                    2     27.35783133    13.67891566     19.29     0.0001
GROUP*PHASE              4     15.40000000     3.85000000      5.43     0.0026
Tests of Hypotheses using the Type III MS for SUBJ(GROUP) as an error term

Contrast                DF     Contrast SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
Treat A vs B             1      0.47727273     0.47727273      0.07     0.7892
Tests of Hypotheses using the Type III MS for SUBJ(GROUP) as an error term

Contrast                DF     Contrast SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
Trt vs Control           1     37.27814371    37.27814371      5.82     0.0314

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 6

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                           Class Level Information

                  Class    Levels    Values
                  GROUP         3    Control Treat_A Treat_B

                   Number of observations in data set = 16

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 7

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

                  M Matrix Describing Transformed Variables
                             PRE              POST               FOL

         MVAR1                -1                 1                 0
         MVAR2                 0                -1                 1

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 8

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
         H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for GROUP   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

               Variables have been transformed by the M Matrix

        Characteristic   Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
                                                 MVAR1          MVAR2
            1.77864662     99.81            0.26464972     0.25548468
            0.00337280      0.19           -0.02880139     0.22870271

                Manova Test Criteria and F Approximations for
                  the Hypothesis of no Overall GROUP Effect
           on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
         H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for GROUP   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                             S=2    M=-0.5    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.35867769     4.0184         4        24  0.0124
 Pillai's Trace             0.64347403     3.0833         4        26  0.0333
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     1.78201942     4.9006         4        22  0.0056
 Roy's Greatest Root        1.77864662    11.5612         2        13  0.0013

         NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
                NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.
          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
    H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Trt vs Control   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

               Variables have been transformed by the M Matrix

        Characteristic   Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
                                                 MVAR1          MVAR2
            1.45086785    100.00            0.26399622     0.26016801
            0.00000000      0.00           -0.03427811     0.22336060

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 9

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
              the Hypothesis of no Overall Trt vs Control Effect
           on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
    H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Trt vs Control   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                              S=1    M=0    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.40801874     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
 Pillai's Trace             0.59198126     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     1.45086785     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
 Roy's Greatest Root        1.45086785     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
     H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Treat A vs B   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

               Variables have been transformed by the M Matrix

        Characteristic   Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
                                                 MVAR1          MVAR2
            0.14562212    100.00            0.26601926     0.21936612
            0.00000000      0.00            0.01013634     0.26354480

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
               the Hypothesis of no Overall Treat A vs B Effect
           on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
     H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Treat A vs B   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                              S=1    M=0    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.87288817     0.8737         2        12  0.4423
 Pillai's Trace             0.12711183     0.8737         2        12  0.4423
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.14562212     0.8737         2        12  0.4423
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.14562212     0.8737         2        12  0.4423

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 10

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

                  M Matrix Describing Transformed Variables
                             PRE              POST               FOL

         MVAR1                -1                 1                 0
         MVAR2                 0                -1                 1

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 11

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
       H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for INTERCEPT   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

               Variables have been transformed by the M Matrix

        Characteristic   Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
                                                 MVAR1          MVAR2
            3.78218866    100.00            0.25244036     0.29833861
            0.00000000      0.00           -0.08451543     0.16903085

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
                the Hypothesis of no Overall INTERCEPT Effect
           on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
       H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for INTERCEPT   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                              S=1    M=0    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.20910927    22.6931         2        12  0.0001
 Pillai's Trace             0.79089073    22.6931         2        12  0.0001
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     3.78218866    22.6931         2        12  0.0001
 Roy's Greatest Root        3.78218866    22.6931         2        12  0.0001
          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
    H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Trt vs Control   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

               Variables have been transformed by the M Matrix

        Characteristic   Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
                                                 MVAR1          MVAR2
            1.45086785    100.00            0.26399622     0.26016801
            0.00000000      0.00           -0.03427811     0.22336060

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 12

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
              the Hypothesis of no Overall Trt vs Control Effect
           on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
    H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Trt vs Control   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                              S=1    M=0    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.40801874     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
 Pillai's Trace             0.59198126     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     1.45086785     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
 Roy's Greatest Root        1.45086785     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
     H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Treat A vs B   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

               Variables have been transformed by the M Matrix

        Characteristic   Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
                                                 MVAR1          MVAR2
            0.14562212    100.00            0.26601926     0.21936612
            0.00000000      0.00            0.01013634     0.26354480

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
               the Hypothesis of no Overall Treat A vs B Effect
           on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
     H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Treat A vs B   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                              S=1    M=0    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.87288817     0.8737         2        12  0.4423
 Pillai's Trace             0.12711183     0.8737         2        12  0.4423
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.14562212     0.8737         2        12  0.4423
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.14562212     0.8737         2        12  0.4423

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 13

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

                  M Matrix Describing Transformed Variables
                             PRE              POST               FOL

         MVAR1                 1                 1                 1

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 14

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
         H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for GROUP   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

               Variables have been transformed by the M Matrix

        Characteristic   Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
            0.44828966    100.00            0.06325188

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
                  the Hypothesis of no Overall GROUP Effect
           on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
         H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for GROUP   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                             S=1    M=0    N=5.5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.69046961     2.9139         2        13  0.0900
 Pillai's Trace             0.30953039     2.9139         2        13  0.0900
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.44828966     2.9139         2        13  0.0900
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.44828966     2.9139         2        13  0.0900
          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
    H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Trt vs Control   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

               Variables have been transformed by the M Matrix

        Characteristic   Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
            0.44742721    100.00            0.06325188

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
              the Hypothesis of no Overall Trt vs Control Effect
           on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
    H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Trt vs Control   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

Multivariate Approach to Repeated Measures 15

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                      Multivariate Analysis of Variance

                            S=1    M=-0.5    N=5.5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.69088103     5.8166         1        13  0.0314
 Pillai's Trace             0.30911897     5.8166         1        13  0.0314
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.44742721     5.8166         1        13  0.0314
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.44742721     5.8166         1        13  0.0314
          Characteristic Roots and Vectors of: E Inverse * H, where
     H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Treat A vs B   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

               Variables have been transformed by the M Matrix

        Characteristic   Percent        Characteristic Vector  V'EV=1
            0.00572842    100.00            0.06325188

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
               the Hypothesis of no Overall Treat A vs B Effect
           on the variables defined by the M Matrix Transformation
     H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for Treat A vs B   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                            S=1    M=-0.5    N=5.5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.99430421     0.0745         1        13  0.7892
 Pillai's Trace             0.00569579     0.0745         1        13  0.7892
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.00572842     0.0745         1        13  0.7892
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.00572842     0.0745         1        13  0.7892

Multivariate Approach with REPEATED statement 16

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                           Class Level Information

                  Class    Levels    Values
                  GROUP         3    Control Treat_A Treat_B

                   Number of observations in data set = 16

Multivariate Approach with REPEATED statement 17

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                    Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
                     Repeated Measures Level Information

               Dependent Variable        PRE     POST      FOL

                   Level of PHASE          1        2        3

Multivariate Approach with REPEATED statement 18

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                    Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance

  Partial Correlation Coefficients from the Error SS&CP Matrix / Prob > |r|

                   DF = 13          PRE      POST       FOL
                   PRE         1.000000  0.656987  0.788382
                                 0.0001    0.0107    0.0008
                   POST        0.656987  1.000000  0.768251
                                 0.0107    0.0001    0.0013
                   FOL         0.788382  0.768251  1.000000
                                 0.0008    0.0013    0.0001

  PHASE.N represents the contrast between the nth level of PHASE and the 1st

                  M Matrix Describing Transformed Variables
                              PRE              POST               FOL

        PHASE.2      -1.000000000       1.000000000       0.000000000
        PHASE.3      -1.000000000       0.000000000       1.000000000

                            E = Error SS&CP Matrix
  PHASE.N represents the contrast between the nth level of PHASE and the 1st
                                   PHASE.2           PHASE.3

                 PHASE.2       25.51428571       12.27142857
                 PHASE.3       12.27142857       14.40714286

Multivariate Approach with REPEATED statement 19

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                    Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance

         Partial Correlation Coefficients from the Error SS&CP Matrix
    of the Variables Defined by the Specified Transformation / Prob > |r|
                        DF = 13      PHASE.2   PHASE.3

                        PHASE.2     1.000000  0.640051
                                      0.0001    0.0137
                        PHASE.3     0.640051  1.000000
                                      0.0137    0.0001

             Test for Sphericity: Mauchly's Criterion = 0.5446375
  Chisquare Approximation = 7.2916171 with 2 df   Prob > Chisquare = 0.0261

                      Applied to Orthogonal Components:
             Test for Sphericity: Mauchly's Criterion = 0.8515119
  Chisquare Approximation = 1.9289018 with 2 df   Prob > Chisquare = 0.3812

                     H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for PHASE
  PHASE.N represents the contrast between the nth level of PHASE and the 1st
                                   PHASE.2           PHASE.3

                 PHASE.2      23.449569707      35.174354561
                 PHASE.3      35.174354561      52.761531842

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
                      the Hypothesis of no PHASE Effect
         H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for PHASE   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                              S=1    M=0    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.20910927    22.6931         2        12  0.0001
 Pillai's Trace             0.79089073    22.6931         2        12  0.0001
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     3.78218866    22.6931         2        12  0.0001
 Roy's Greatest Root        3.78218866    22.6931         2        12  0.0001
                  H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for PHASE*GROUP
  PHASE.N represents the contrast between the nth level of PHASE and the 1st
                                   PHASE.2           PHASE.3

                 PHASE.2      20.235714286      22.728571429
                 PHASE.3      22.728571429      25.592857143

Multivariate Approach with REPEATED statement 20

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                    Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance

                Manova Test Criteria and F Approximations for
                   the Hypothesis of no PHASE*GROUP Effect
      H = Type III SS&CP Matrix for PHASE*GROUP   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                             S=2    M=-0.5    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.35867769     4.0184         4        24  0.0124
 Pillai's Trace             0.64347403     3.0833         4        26  0.0333
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     1.78201942     4.9006         4        22  0.0056
 Roy's Greatest Root        1.77864662    11.5612         2        13  0.0013

         NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
                NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.
              H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for PHASE*Trt vs Control
  PHASE.N represents the contrast between the nth level of PHASE and the 1st
                                   PHASE.2           PHASE.3

                 PHASE.2      15.707271172      18.117792985
                 PHASE.3      18.117792985      20.898246364

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
               the Hypothesis of no PHASE*Trt vs Control Effect
 H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for PHASE*Trt vs Control   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                              S=1    M=0    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.40801874     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
 Pillai's Trace             0.59198126     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     1.45086785     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
 Roy's Greatest Root        1.45086785     8.7052         2        12  0.0046
               H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for PHASE*Treat A vs B
  PHASE.N represents the contrast between the nth level of PHASE and the 1st
                                   PHASE.2           PHASE.3

                 PHASE.2      2.1948051948      2.1103896104
                 PHASE.3      2.1103896104      2.0292207792

Multivariate Approach with REPEATED statement 21

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                    Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance

               Manova Test Criteria and Exact F Statistics for
                the Hypothesis of no PHASE*Treat A vs B Effect
  H = Contrast SS&CP Matrix for PHASE*Treat A vs B   E = Error SS&CP Matrix

                              S=1    M=0    N=5

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.87288817     0.8737         2        12  0.4423
 Pillai's Trace             0.12711183     0.8737         2        12  0.4423
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace     0.14562212     0.8737         2        12  0.4423
 Roy's Greatest Root        0.14562212     0.8737         2        12  0.4423

Multivariate Approach with REPEATED statement 22

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                    Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
               Tests of Hypotheses for Between Subjects Effects

Source                  DF     Type III SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
GROUP                    2      37.3500000     18.6750000      2.91     0.0900

Error                   13      83.3166667      6.4089744

Contrast                DF     Contrast SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
Trt vs Control           1     37.27814371    37.27814371      5.82     0.0314
Treat A vs B             1      0.47727273     0.47727273      0.07     0.7892

Multivariate Approach with REPEATED statement 23

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                    Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
          Univariate Tests of Hypotheses for Within Subject Effects

Source: PHASE
                                                                 Adj  Pr > F
     DF      Type III SS      Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F    G - G    H - F
      2      27.35783133      13.67891566     19.29   0.0001   0.0001   0.0001
                                                                 Adj  Pr > F
     DF      Type III SS      Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F    G - G    H - F
      4      15.40000000       3.85000000      5.43   0.0026   0.0043   0.0026
Source: Error(PHASE)

     DF      Type III SS      Mean Square
     26      18.43333333       0.70897436

                     Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon = 0.8707
                            Huynh-Feldt Epsilon = 1.1486

Contrast: PHASE*Trt vs Control
                                                                 Adj  Pr > F
     DF      Contrast SS      Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F    G - G    H - F
      2      12.32514970       6.16257485      8.69   0.0013   0.0022   0.0013
Contrast: PHASE*Treat A vs B
                                                                 Adj  Pr > F
     DF      Contrast SS      Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F    G - G    H - F
      2       1.40909091       0.70454545      0.99   0.3838   0.3754   0.3838

Multivariate Approach with REPEATED statement 24

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                    Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
                  Analysis of Variance of Contrast Variables

  PHASE.N represents the contrast between the nth level of PHASE and the 1st

Contrast Variable: PHASE.2

Source                  DF     Type III SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
MEAN                     1     23.44956971    23.44956971     11.95     0.0043
GROUP                    2     20.23571429    10.11785714      5.16     0.0225

Error                   13     25.51428571     1.96263736

Contrast                DF     Contrast SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
Trt vs Control           1     15.70727117    15.70727117      8.00     0.0142
Treat A vs B             1      2.19480519     2.19480519      1.12     0.3095

Contrast Variable: PHASE.3

Source                  DF     Type III SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
MEAN                     1     52.76153184    52.76153184     47.61     0.0001
GROUP                    2     25.59285714    12.79642857     11.55     0.0013

Error                   13     14.40714286     1.10824176

Contrast                DF     Contrast SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
Trt vs Control           1     20.89824636    20.89824636     18.86     0.0008
Treat A vs B             1      2.02922078     2.02922078      1.83     0.1991