Output from dmanovap.sas

3 Graphs

Doubly Multivariate design - Plotting means 1 Output dataset from Proc MEANS/SUMMARY

   1             0     18   5.27778 10.6111 12.0000 5.94444 4.00000 12.6111
   2  Control    1      6   6.33333  8.8333 11.8333 4.66667 4.50000 12.0000
   3  TreatA     1      6   4.50000 11.0000 11.3333 6.66667 4.83333  6.0000
   4  TreatB     1      6   5.00000 12.0000 12.8333 6.50000 2.66667 19.8333

Doubly Multivariate design - Plotting means 2 Means reshaped and sorted for plotting

             OBS    TRT        MEASURE    TIME           RESPONSE
               1    Control      Y1       1: Pre           6.3333
               2    Control      Y1       2: Post          8.8333
               3    Control      Y1       3: FollowUp     11.8333
               4    A            Y1       1: Pre           4.5000
               5    A            Y1       2: Post         11.0000
               6    A            Y1       3: FollowUp     11.3333
               7    B            Y1       1: Pre           5.0000
               8    B            Y1       2: Post         12.0000
               9    B            Y1       3: FollowUp     12.8333
              10    Control      Y2       1: Pre           4.6667
              11    Control      Y2       2: Post          4.5000
              12    Control      Y2       3: FollowUp     12.0000
              13    A            Y2       1: Pre           6.6667
              14    A            Y2       2: Post          4.8333
              15    A            Y2       3: FollowUp      6.0000
              16    B            Y2       1: Pre           6.5000
              17    B            Y2       2: Post          2.6667
              18    B            Y2       3: FollowUp     19.8333

Doubly Multivariate design - Plotting means 3

--------------------------------- MEASURE=Y1 ---------------------------------
               Plot of RESPONSE*TIME.  Symbol is value of TRT.

       RESPONSE |
             14 +
                |                                                  B
             12 +                          B
                |                                                  C
                |                                                  A
                |                          A
             10 +
                |                          C
              8 +
                |  C
              6 +
                |  B
                |  A
              4 +
                1: Pre                  2: Post               3: FollowUp


Doubly Multivariate design - Plotting means 4

--------------------------------- MEASURE=Y2 ---------------------------------
               Plot of RESPONSE*TIME.  Symbol is value of TRT.

           20.0 +                                                  B
           17.5 +
           15.0 +
       RESPONSE |
           12.5 +
                |                                                  C
           10.0 +
            7.5 +
                |  A
                |                                                  A
            5.0 +                          A
                |  C                       C
            2.5 +                          B
                1: Pre                  2: Post               3: FollowUp


NOTE: 1 obs hidden.

Doubly Multivariate design - Plotting means 5 %meanplot plots

     0                                 18     8.4074 1.02548    1   1.02548

     1                         Y1       9     9.2963 1.07861    2   1.07861
                               Y2       9     7.5185 1.76306    2   1.76306

     2               A                  6     7.3889 1.23728    3   1.23728
                     B                  6     9.8056 2.57891    3   2.57891
                     Control            6     8.0278 1.38472    3   1.38472

     3               A         Y1       3     8.9444 2.22430    6   2.22430
                     A         Y2       3     5.8333 0.53576    6   0.53576
                     B         Y1       3     9.9444 2.48390    6   2.48390
                     B         Y2       3     9.6667 5.20239    6   5.20239
                     Control   Y1       3     9.0000 1.58990    6   1.58990
                     Control   Y2       3     7.0556 2.47269    6   2.47269

     4   1: Pre                         6     5.6111 0.40521    3   0.40521
         2: Post                        6     7.3056 1.56549    3   1.56549
         3: FollowUp                    6    12.3056 1.80709    3   1.80709

     5   1: Pre                Y1       3     5.2778 0.54716    6   0.54716
         1: Pre                Y2       3     5.9444 0.64070    6   0.64070
         2: Post               Y1       3    10.6111 0.93459    6   0.93459
         2: Post               Y2       3     4.0000 0.67358    6   0.67358
         3: FollowUp           Y1       3    12.0000 0.44096    6   0.44096
         3: FollowUp           Y2       3    12.6111 4.00501    6   4.00501

     6   1: Pre      A                  2     5.5833 1.08333    9   1.08333
         1: Pre      B                  2     5.7500 0.75000    9   0.75000
         1: Pre      Control            2     5.5000 0.83333    9   0.83333
         2: Post     A                  2     7.9167 3.08333    9   3.08333
         2: Post     B                  2     7.3333 4.66667    9   4.66667
         2: Post     Control            2     6.6667 2.16667    9   2.16667
         3: FollowUp A                  2     8.6667 2.66667    9   2.66667
         3: FollowUp B                  2    16.3333 3.50000    9   3.50000
         3: FollowUp Control            2    11.9167 0.08333    9   0.08333

     7   1: Pre      A         Y1       1     4.5000  .        18    .
         1: Pre      A         Y2       1     6.6667  .        18    .
         1: Pre      B         Y1       1     5.0000  .        18    .
         1: Pre      B         Y2       1     6.5000  .        18    .
         1: Pre      Control   Y1       1     6.3333  .        18    .
         1: Pre      Control   Y2       1     4.6667  .        18    .
         2: Post     A         Y1       1    11.0000  .        18    .
         2: Post     A         Y2       1     4.8333  .        18    .
         2: Post     B         Y1       1    12.0000  .        18    .
         2: Post     B         Y2       1     2.6667  .        18    .

Doubly Multivariate design - Plotting means 6 %meanplot plots

     7   2: Post     Control   Y1       1     8.8333  .        18    .
         2: Post     Control   Y2       1     4.5000  .        18    .
         3: FollowUp A         Y1       1    11.3333  .        18    .
         3: FollowUp A         Y2       1     6.0000  .        18    .
         3: FollowUp B         Y1       1    12.8333  .        18    .
         3: FollowUp B         Y2       1    19.8333  .        18    .
         3: FollowUp Control   Y1       1    11.8333  .        18    .
         3: FollowUp Control   Y2       1    12.0000  .        18    .

Doubly Multivariate design - Plotting means 7 %meanplot plots

-------------------------------- MEASURE=' ' ---------------------------------
             Plot of RESPONSE*TIME$TRT.  Symbol points to label.

       RESPONSE |
           20.0 +
           17.5 +
                |                                                  > B
           15.0 +
           12.5 +                                                  >
                |                                          Control <
           10.0 +
                |                                                  > A
                |                          > A
            7.5 +                          2 B
                |                          > Control
                |  > B
                |  3 A
            5.0 +Control
            2.5 +
                1: Pre                  2: Post               3: FollowUp


Doubly Multivariate design - Plotting means 8 %meanplot plots

--------------------------------- MEASURE=Y1 ---------------------------------
             Plot of RESPONSE*TIME$TRT.  Symbol points to label.

       RESPONSE |
           20.0 +
           17.5 +
           15.0 +
                |                                                  > B
           12.5 +
                |                          > B             Control 2
                |                                                  > A
                |                          > A
                |                          >
           10.0 +
                |                          > Control
            7.5 +
                |  > Control
                |  >
            5.0 +  > B
                |  > A
            2.5 +
                1: Pre                  2: Post               3: FollowUp


Doubly Multivariate design - Plotting means 9 %meanplot plots

--------------------------------- MEASURE=Y2 ---------------------------------
             Plot of RESPONSE*TIME$TRT.  Symbol points to label.

       RESPONSE |
           20.0 +                                                  > B
           17.5 +
           15.0 +
           12.5 +                                                  >
                |                                          Control <
           10.0 +
            7.5 +
                |B 2 A
                |  >                                               > A
            5.0 +                          > A
                |  > Control               > Control
                |                          >
            2.5 +                          > B
                1: Pre                  2: Post               3: FollowUp



Graphic output from dmanovap.sas

meanplot of reshape (time trt Measure)
[MPLOT 09/27/99 ]
meanplot of reshape (time trt Measure)
[MPLOT1 09/27/99 ]
meanplot of reshape (time trt Measure)
[MPLOT2 09/27/99 ]