Output from ancova3.sas

0 Graphs

Ancova, distinct X for each Y 1

                       General Linear Models Procedure
                           Class Level Information

                     Class    Levels    Values
                     GROUP         3    A1 A2 A3

                     B             2    1 2

                     SUBJ          9    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

                   Number of observations in data set = 18

Ancova, distinct X for each Y 2

                       General Linear Models Procedure

Dependent Variable: Y
                                    Sum of           Mean
Source                  DF         Squares         Square   F Value     Pr > F
Model                   12     371.5019841     30.9584987     51.63     0.0002

Error                    5       2.9980159      0.5996032

Corrected Total         17     374.5000000

                  R-Square            C.V.       Root MSE               Y Mean
                  0.991995        5.881067       0.774340             13.16667

Source                  DF       Type I SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
X                        1     232.6632653    232.6632653    388.03     0.0001
GROUP                    2      51.0587807     25.5293903     42.58     0.0007
B                        1      40.1244334     40.1244334     66.92     0.0004
GROUP*B                  2       3.2849524      1.6424762      2.74     0.1573
SUBJ(GROUP)              6      44.3705524      7.3950921     12.33     0.0072

Source                  DF     Type III SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
X                        1     10.00198413    10.00198413     16.68     0.0095
GROUP                    2     38.08303436    19.04151718     31.76     0.0014
B                        1     31.54702917    31.54702917     52.61     0.0008
GROUP*B                  2      2.33928571     1.16964286      1.95     0.2365
SUBJ(GROUP)              6     44.37055236     7.39509206     12.33     0.0072
Tests of Hypotheses using the Type III MS for SUBJ(GROUP) as an error term

Source                  DF     Type III SS    Mean Square   F Value     Pr > F
GROUP                    2     38.08303436    19.04151718      2.57     0.1558