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Spearman's five variables: Harman, Pp 116,391-392 1

 OBS    _TYPE_    _NAME_      TEST1      TEST2      TEST3      TEST4    TEST5
  1      CORR     TEST1       1.000       .          .          .          .
  2      CORR     TEST2       0.485      1.000       .          .          .
  3      CORR     TEST3       0.400      0.397      1.000       .          .
  4      CORR     TEST4       0.397      0.397      0.335      1.000       .
  5      CORR     TEST5       0.295      0.247      0.275      0.195       1
  6      N                  100.000    100.000    100.000    100.000     100

Spearman's five variables: Harman, Pp 116,391-392 2 Test of hypothesis of one general factor

Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood

                     Prior Communality Estimates: SMC
                   TEST1     TEST2     TEST3     TEST4     TEST5
                0.334390  0.320497  0.249282  0.232207  0.123625
      Preliminary Eigenvalues:  Total = 1.74960303  Average = 0.34992061
                          1           2           3           4           5
   Eigenvalue        2.3117     -0.0078     -0.1481     -0.1619     -0.2442
   Difference        2.3195      0.1402      0.0138      0.0823
   Proportion        1.3212     -0.0045     -0.0846     -0.0925     -0.1396
   Cumulative        1.3212      1.3168      1.2321      1.1396      1.0000
             1 factors will be retained by the NFACTOR criterion.

  Iter Criterion    Ridge   Change   Communalities
    1    0.00761    0.000  0.16063   0.49502 0.46351 0.34822 0.31795 0.15832
    2    0.00759    0.000  0.00429   0.49528 0.46621 0.34393 0.32027 0.15890
    3    0.00759    0.000  0.00020   0.49542 0.46625 0.34391 0.32029 0.15870

                       Convergence criterion satisfied.

       Significance tests based on 100 observations:
          Test of H0: No common factors.
               vs HA: At least one common factor.

          Chi-square = 87.205   df = 10   Prob>chi**2 = 0.0001

          Test of H0: 1 Factors are sufficient.
               vs HA: More factors are needed.

          Chi-square = 0.727   df = 5   Prob>chi**2 = 0.9815

       Chi-square without Bartlett's correction = 0.7510547937
       Akaike's Information Criterion = -9.248945206
       Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion = -22.27479614
       Tucker and Lewis's Reliability Coefficient = 1.1106908068
                        Squared Canonical Correlations

Spearman's five variables: Harman, Pp 116,391-392 3 Test of hypothesis of one general factor

Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood

           Eigenvalues of the Weighted Reduced Correlation Matrix:
                    Total = 3.03938154  Average = 0.60787631
                          1           2           3           4           5
   Eigenvalue        3.0394      0.0837      0.0216     -0.0203     -0.0850
   Difference        2.9557      0.0622      0.0418      0.0647
   Proportion        1.0000      0.0275      0.0071     -0.0067     -0.0280
   Cumulative        1.0000      1.0275      1.0346      1.0280      1.0000
                                Factor Pattern

                TEST1      0.70386    Mathematical judgement
                TEST2      0.68282    Controlled association
                TEST3      0.58643    Literary interpretation
                TEST4      0.56594    Selective judgement
                TEST5      0.39837    Spelling
                      Variance explained by each factor
                             Weighted    3.039382
                             Unweighted  1.784557
               Final Communality Estimates and Variable Weights
        Total Communality: Weighted = 3.039382   Unweighted = 1.784557
                         TEST1     TEST2     TEST3     TEST4     TEST5
        Communality   0.495419  0.466248  0.343901  0.320289  0.158699
        Weight        1.981844  1.873521  1.524172  1.471210  1.188635
            Residual Correlations With Uniqueness on the Diagonal
                   TEST1     TEST2     TEST3

      TEST1      0.50458   0.00439  -0.01277    Mathematical judgement
      TEST2      0.00439   0.53375  -0.00343    Controlled association
      TEST3     -0.01277  -0.00343   0.65610    Literary interpretation
      TEST4     -0.00134   0.01056   0.00311    Selective judgement
      TEST5      0.01460  -0.02502   0.04138    Spelling

Spearman's five variables: Harman, Pp 116,391-392 4 Test of hypothesis of one general factor

Initial Factor Method: Maximum Likelihood

            Residual Correlations With Uniqueness on the Diagonal
                   TEST4     TEST5

      TEST1     -0.00134   0.01460    Mathematical judgement
      TEST2      0.01056  -0.02502    Controlled association
      TEST3      0.00311   0.04138    Literary interpretation
      TEST4      0.67971  -0.03045    Selective judgement
      TEST5     -0.03045   0.84130    Spelling

        Root Mean Square Off-diagonal Residuals: Over-all = 0.01948369

                   TEST1     TEST2     TEST3     TEST4     TEST5
                0.009966  0.013860  0.021777  0.016206  0.029492

                   Partial Correlations Controlling Factors
                   TEST1     TEST2     TEST3

      TEST1      1.00000   0.00845  -0.02219    Mathematical judgement
      TEST2      0.00845   1.00000  -0.00579    Controlled association
      TEST3     -0.02219  -0.00579   1.00000    Literary interpretation
      TEST4     -0.00229   0.01754   0.00466    Selective judgement
      TEST5      0.02241  -0.03733   0.05570    Spelling

                   TEST4     TEST5

      TEST1     -0.00229   0.02241    Mathematical judgement
      TEST2      0.01754  -0.03733    Controlled association
      TEST3      0.00466   0.05570    Literary interpretation
      TEST4      1.00000  -0.04027    Selective judgement
      TEST5     -0.04027   1.00000    Spelling

        Root Mean Square Off-diagonal Partials: Over-all = 0.02748151

                   TEST1     TEST2     TEST3     TEST4     TEST5
                0.016365  0.021250  0.030208  0.022115  0.040683