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TEST33: Speed Factor Data, LORD (1956) 1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, JOERESKOG (1978, p. 454-5) Model 6: Three power factors, three speed factors

                               Covariance Structure Analysis: Pattern and Initial Values

                                   FACTOR Model Statement
                                   Matrix         Rows & Cols          Matrix Type
                      TERM   1-----------------------------------------------------------
                                1    _F_           15       6    GENERAL
                                2    _P_            6       6    SYMMETRIC
                      TERM   2-----------------------------------------------------------
                                3    _U_           15      15    SYMMETRIC

TEST33: Speed Factor Data, LORD (1956) 2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, JOERESKOG (1978, p. 454-5) Model 6: Three power factors, three speed factors

                              Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation
                                            Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization
                                             Scaling Update of More (1978)
                                            Number of Parameter Estimates 45
                                         Number of Functions (Observations) 120
                                               Number of Lower Bounds 15
                                                Number of Upper Bounds 0

Optimization Start: Active Constraints= 0  Criterion= 3.412 Maximum Gradient Element= 0.190 Radius= 1.000
                             Iter rest nfun act   optcrit  difcrit maxgrad  lambda     rho
                                1    0    2   0    2.5096   0.9027   0.162   0.606   0.845
                                2    0    3   0    1.6865   0.8231   0.203   0.143   1.074
                                3    0    4   0    0.6509   1.0356   0.142 0.00847   1.300
                                4    0    5   0    0.2123   0.4386  0.0358       0   1.430
                                5    0    6   0    0.1714   0.0409 0.00597       0   1.136
                                6    0    7   0    0.1706 0.000825  0.0029       0   1.109
                                7    0    8   0    0.1705 0.000051 0.00095       0   1.418
                                8    0    9   0    0.1705 0.000013 0.00087       0   1.475
                                9    0   10   0    0.1705 3.792E-6 0.00029       0   1.485
                               10    0   11   0    0.1705 1.113E-6 0.00025       0   1.489
                               11    0   12   0    0.1705 3.282E-7 0.00009       0   1.493
                               12    0   13   0    0.1705 9.699E-8 0.00007       0   1.496
                               13    0   14   0    0.1705  2.87E-8 0.00003       0   1.499
                               14    0   15   0    0.1705   8.5E-9 0.00002       0   1.501
                               15    0   16   0    0.1705 2.518E-9 7.98E-6       0   1.504

Optimization Results: Iterations= 15 Function Calls= 17 Jacobian Calls= 16 Active Constraints= 0  Criterion= 0.17050069
Maximum Gradient Element= 7.97796E-6 Lambda= 0 Rho= 1.504 Radius= 0.0003706
NOTE:  ABSGCONV convergence criterion satisfied.

TEST33: Speed Factor Data, LORD (1956) 3 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, JOERESKOG (1978, p. 454-5) Model 6: Three power factors, three speed factors

                              Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation
                              Fit criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     0.1705
                              Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) . . . . . . . . . . .     0.9781
                              GFI Adjusted for Degrees of Freedom (AGFI). . . .     0.9649
                              Root Mean Square Residual (RMR) . . . . . . . . .     2.4752
                              Parsimonious GFI (Mulaik, 1989) . . . . . . . . .     0.6986
                              Chi-square = 110.4844      df = 75      Prob>chi**2 = 0.0048
                              Null Model Chi-square:     df = 105                7082.5858
                              RMSEA Estimate  . . . . . .  0.0270  90%C.I.[0.0153, 0.0373]
                              Probability of Close Fit  . . . . . . . . . . . .     1.0000
                              ECVI Estimate . . . . . . .  0.3129  90%C.I.[0.2755, 0.3630]
                              Bentler's Comparative Fit Index . . . . . . . . .     0.9949
                              Normal Theory Reweighted LS Chi-square  . . . . .   109.0446
                              Akaike's Information Criterion. . . . . . . . . .   -39.5156
                              Bozdogan's (1987) CAIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  -450.1730
                              Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion. . . . . . . . . . .  -375.1730
                              McDonald's (1989) Centrality. . . . . . . . . . .     0.9730
                              Bentler & Bonett's (1980) Non-normed Index. . . .     0.9929
                              Bentler & Bonett's (1980) NFI . . . . . . . . . .     0.9844
                              James, Mulaik, & Brett (1982) Parsimonious NFI. .     0.7031
                              Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty (1931). . . . . . . .     2.5867
                              Bollen (1986) Normed Index Rho1 . . . . . . . . .     0.9782
                              Bollen (1988) Non-normed Index Delta2 . . . . . .     0.9949
                              Hoelter's (1983) Critical N . . . . . . . . . . .        566

                                          Estimated Parameter Matrix _P_[6:6]
                                                    Symmetric Matrix
                     FCOR1             FCOR2             FCOR3             FCOR4             FCOR5             FCOR6

   FCOR1        1.0000            0.1685[C1]        0.4727[C2]        0.                0.                0.
   FCOR2        0.1685[C1]        1.0000            0.4858[C3]        0.                0.                0.
   FCOR3        0.4727[C2]        0.4858[C3]        1.0000            0.                0.                0.
   FCOR4        0.                0.                0.                1.0000            0.2613[C4]        0.6812[C5]
   FCOR5        0.                0.                0.                0.2613[C4]        1.0000            0.4006[C6]
   FCOR6        0.                0.                0.                0.6812[C5]        0.4006[C6]        1.0000

TEST33: Speed Factor Data, LORD (1956) 4 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, JOERESKOG (1978, p. 454-5) Model 6: Three power factors, three speed factors

                              Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                                          Estimated Parameter Matrix _F_[15:6]
                                                     General Matrix
             FACT1           FACT2           FACT3           FACT4           FACT5           FACT6

V1     7.4916[Z1 ]     0.              0.              0.              0.              0.            Vocabulary L1
V2     7.7706[Z2 ]     0.              0.              0.              0.              0.            Vocabulary L2
V4     7.6253[Z3 ]     0.              0.              3.1379[Z16]     0.              0.            Vocabulary S1
V5     8.1373[Z4 ]     0.              0.              3.6187[Z17]     0.              0.            Vocabulary S2
V6     7.8023[Z5 ]     0.              0.              4.8523[Z18]     0.              0.            Vocabulary S3
I1     0.              7.9627[Z6 ]     0.              0.              0.              0.            Intersections L1
I2     0.              8.3614[Z7 ]     0.              0.              0.              0.            Intersections L2
I4     0.              8.1883[Z8 ]     0.              0.              2.6266[Z19]     0.            Intersections S1
I5     0.              8.4312[Z9 ]     0.              0.              3.0933[Z20]     0.            Intersections S2
I6     0.              8.4920[Z10]     0.              0.              3.2339[Z21]     0.            Intersections S3
R1     0.              0.              6.7162[Z11]     0.              0.              0.            Arith Reasoning L1
R2     0.              0.              7.1832[Z12]     0.              0.              0.            Arith Reasoning L2
R4     0.              0.              7.2370[Z13]     0.              0.              3.6549[Z22]   Arith Reasoning S1
R5     0.              0.              7.1999[Z14]     0.              0.              2.8543[Z23]   Arith Reasoning S2
R6     0.              0.              6.8860[Z15]     0.              0.              3.5175[Z24]   Arith Reasoning S3
                                         Estimated Parameter Matrix _U_[15:15]
                                                    Diagonal Matrix
                 UVAR1              UVAR2              UVAR3              UVAR4              UVAR5

 V1     30.3659[EPS1 ]      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary L1
 V2      0.                25.9215[EPS2 ]      0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary L2
 V4      0.                 0.                29.5108[EPS3 ]      0.                 0.              Vocabulary S1
 V5      0.                 0.                 0.                13.3881[EPS4 ]      0.              Vocabulary S2
 V6      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                13.8372[EPS5 ]   Vocabulary S3
 I1      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections L1
 I2      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections L2
 I4      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections S1
 I5      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections S2
 I6      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections S3
 R1      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning L1
 R2      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning L2
 R4      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning S1
 R5      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning S2
 R6      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning S3

TEST33: Speed Factor Data, LORD (1956) 5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, JOERESKOG (1978, p. 454-5) Model 6: Three power factors, three speed factors

                              Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                                         Estimated Parameter Matrix _U_[15:15]
                                                    Diagonal Matrix
                 UVAR6              UVAR7              UVAR8              UVAR9             UVAR10

 V1      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary L1
 V2      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary L2
 V4      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary S1
 V5      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary S2
 V6      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary S3
 I1     27.7982[EPS6 ]      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections L1
 I2      0.                23.5953[EPS7 ]      0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections L2
 I4      0.                 0.                22.8711[EPS8 ]      0.                 0.              Intersections S1
 I5      0.                 0.                 0.                16.9181[EPS9 ]      0.              Intersections S2
 I6      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                16.0358[EPS10]   Intersections S3
 R1      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning L1
 R2      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning L2
 R4      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning S1
 R5      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning S2
 R6      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning S3

                UVAR11             UVAR12             UVAR13             UVAR14             UVAR15

 V1      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary L1
 V2      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary L2
 V4      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary S1
 V5      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary S2
 V6      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Vocabulary S3
 I1      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections L1
 I2      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections L2
 I4      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections S1
 I5      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections S2
 I6      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Intersections S3
 R1     36.7958[EPS11]      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning L1
 R2      0.                41.9104[EPS12]      0.                 0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning L2
 R4      0.                 0.                33.1695[EPS13]      0.                 0.              Arith Reasoning S1
 R5      0.                 0.                 0.                37.5760[EPS14]      0.              Arith Reasoning S2
 R6      0.                 0.                 0.                 0.                37.4749[EPS15]   Arith Reasoning S3

TEST33: Speed Factor Data, LORD (1956) 6 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, JOERESKOG (1978, p. 454-5) Model 6: Three power factors, three speed factors

                              Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                                              Standardized Factor Loadings
             FACT1           FACT2           FACT3           FACT4           FACT5           FACT6

V1    0.8055483621    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Vocabulary L1
V2    0.8364502843    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Vocabulary L2
V4    0.7722342849    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.3177807355    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Vocabulary S1
V5    0.8451713807    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.3758460630    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Vocabulary S2
V6    0.7871181148    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.4895102779    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Vocabulary S3
I1    0.0000000000    0.8337887159    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Intersections L1
I2    0.0000000000    0.8646777422    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Intersections L2
I4    0.0000000000    0.8321745627    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.2669409613    0.0000000000    Intersections S1
I5    0.0000000000    0.8535466392    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.3131577234    0.0000000000    Intersections S2
I6    0.0000000000    0.8551735594    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.3256616539    0.0000000000    Intersections S3
R1    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.7421163288    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Arith Reasoning L1
R2    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.7428342723    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Arith Reasoning L2
R4    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.7277063148    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.3675135109    Arith Reasoning S1
R5    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.7289321862    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.2889757297    Arith Reasoning S2
R6    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.6982146335    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.3566621657    Arith Reasoning S3
                                              Squared Multiple Correlations
                                                   Error           Total
                                Parameter        Variance        Variance        R-squared
                                1    V1           30.365933       86.490000        0.648908
                                2    V2           25.921516       86.304100        0.699649
                                3    V4           29.510780       97.501629        0.697330
                                4    V5           13.388087       92.699184        0.855575
                                5    V6           13.837208       98.258346        0.859175
                                6    I1           27.798192       91.202500        0.695204
                                7    I2           23.595325       93.508900        0.747668
                                8    I4           22.871095       96.817877        0.763772
                                9    I5           16.918077       97.572180        0.826610
                               10    I6           16.035825       98.607560        0.837377
                               11    R1           36.795792       81.902500        0.550737
                               12    R2           41.910431       93.508900        0.551803
                               13    R4           33.169524       98.902102        0.664623
                               14    R5           37.575977       97.561702        0.614849
                               15    R6           37.474855       97.264420        0.614712

                                         Correlations among Exogenous Variables
                               Row & Column            Parameter              Estimate
                                  2       1    FCOR2     FCOR1     C1           0.168474
                                  3       1    FCOR3     FCOR1     C2           0.472730
                                  3       2    FCOR3     FCOR2     C3           0.485771
                                  5       4    FCOR5     FCOR4     C4           0.261275
                                  6       4    FCOR6     FCOR4     C5           0.681152
                                  6       5    FCOR6     FCOR5     C6           0.400607