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TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model A: Restricted Oblique Clusters (24 df)

          Covariance Structure Analysis: Pattern and Initial Values

              FACTOR Model Statement
              Matrix         Rows & Cols          Matrix Type
 TERM   1-----------------------------------------------------------
           1    _F_            9       3    GENERAL
           2    _P_            3       3    SYMMETRIC
 TERM   2-----------------------------------------------------------
           3    _U_            9       9    SYMMETRIC

TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 2 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model A: Restricted Oblique Clusters (24 df)

         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation
                       Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization
                        Scaling Update of More (1978)
                       Number of Parameter Estimates 21
                    Number of Functions (Observations) 45
                          Number of Lower Bounds 9
                           Number of Upper Bounds 0

Optimization Start: Active Constraints= 0  Criterion= 0.982
Maximum Gradient Element= 1.750 Radius= 11.234
        Iter rest nfun act   optcrit  difcrit maxgrad  lambda     rho
           1    0    2   0    0.3767   0.6049  0.0788       0   0.763
           2    0    3   0    0.3676  0.00907  0.0291       0   1.212
           3    0    4   0    0.3660  0.00155  0.0177       0   1.276
           4    0    5   0    0.3656 0.000417 0.00817       0   1.311
           5    0    6   0    0.3655 0.000137 0.00577       0   1.354
           6    0    7   0    0.3654  0.00005 0.00301       0   1.414
           7    0    8   0    0.3654  0.00002 0.00207       0   1.468
           8    0    9   0    0.3654 7.953E-6 0.00114       0   1.517
           9    0   10   0    0.3654 3.284E-6 0.00079       0   1.555
          10    0   11   0    0.3654 1.372E-6 0.00045       0   1.584
          11    0   12   0    0.3654 5.777E-7 0.00031       0   1.605
          12    0   13   0    0.3654 2.444E-7 0.00018       0   1.620
          13    0   14   0    0.3654 1.037E-7 0.00013       0   1.631
          14    0   15   0    0.3654 4.411E-8 0.00007       0   1.638
          15    0   16   0    0.3654 1.879E-8 0.00005       0   1.643
          16    0   17   0    0.3654 8.008E-9 0.00003       0   1.646
          17    0   18   0    0.3654 3.416E-9 0.00002       0   1.649
          18    0   19   0    0.3654 1.458E-9 0.00001       0   1.650

Optimization Results: Iterations= 18 Function Calls= 20 Jacobian Calls= 19
Active Constraints= 0  Criterion= 0.36540166
Maximum Gradient Element= 0.0000134925 Lambda= 0 Rho= 1.65 Radius= 0.0001484
NOTE:  GCONV convergence criterion satisfied.

TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 3 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model A: Restricted Oblique Clusters (24 df)

         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation
         Fit criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     0.3654
         Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) . . . . . . . . . . .     0.9285
         GFI Adjusted for Degrees of Freedom (AGFI). . . .     0.8659
         Root Mean Square Residual (RMR) . . . . . . . . .     0.0751
         Parsimonious GFI (Mulaik, 1989) . . . . . . . . .     0.6190
         Chi-square = 52.6178       df = 24      Prob>chi**2 = 0.0006
         Null Model Chi-square:     df = 36                  496.6694
         RMSEA Estimate  . . . . . .  0.0910  90%C.I.[0.0575, 0.1245]
         Probability of Close Fit  . . . . . . . . . . . .     0.0250
         ECVI Estimate . . . . . . .  0.6788  90%C.I.[0.5577, 0.8579]
         Bentler's Comparative Fit Index . . . . . . . . .     0.9379
         Normal Theory Reweighted LS Chi-square  . . . . .    49.9204
         Akaike's Information Criterion. . . . . . . . . .     4.6178
         Bozdogan's (1987) CAIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   -90.8238
         Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion. . . . . . . . . . .   -66.8238
         McDonald's (1989) Centrality. . . . . . . . . . .     0.9060
         Bentler & Bonett's (1980) Non-normed Index. . . .     0.9068
         Bentler & Bonett's (1980) NFI . . . . . . . . . .     0.8941
         James, Mulaik, & Brett (1982) Parsimonious NFI. .     0.5960
         Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty (1931). . . . . . . .     3.2045
         Bollen (1986) Normed Index Rho1 . . . . . . . . .     0.8411
         Bollen (1988) Non-normed Index Delta2 . . . . . .     0.9395
         Hoelter's (1983) Critical N . . . . . . . . . . .        101

                     Estimated Parameter Matrix _P_[3:3]
                               Symmetric Matrix
                           FCOR1             FCOR2             FCOR3

         FCOR1        1.0000            0.5431[C1]        0.5113[C2]
         FCOR2        0.5431[C1]        1.0000            0.3204[C3]
         FCOR3        0.5113[C2]        0.3204[C3]        1.0000
                     Estimated Parameter Matrix _F_[9:3]
                           Lower Triangular Matrix
             FACT1           FACT2           FACT3

V1      0.6725[L1]      0.              0.            Visual perception
V2      0.5130[L2]      0.              0.            Cubes
V3      0.6840[L3]      0.              0.            Lozenges
V4      0.              0.8671[L4]      0.            Paragraph comprehension
V5      0.              0.8301[L5]      0.            Sentence completion
V6      0.              0.8257[L6]      0.            Word meaning
V7      0.              0.              0.6615[L7]    Addition
V8      0.              0.              0.7969[L8]    Counting dots
V9      0.              0.              0.6810[L9]    Straight-curved capitals

TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 4 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model A: Restricted Oblique Clusters (24 df)

         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                     Estimated Parameter Matrix _U_[9:9]
                               Diagonal Matrix
              UVAR1           UVAR2           UVAR3

 V1    0.5477[EPS1]    0.              0.            Visual perception
 V2    0.              0.7368[EPS2]    0.            Cubes
 V3    0.              0.              0.5322[EPS3]  Lozenges
 V4    0.              0.              0.            Paragraph comprehension
 V5    0.              0.              0.            Sentence completion
 V6    0.              0.              0.            Word meaning
 V7    0.              0.              0.            Addition
 V8    0.              0.              0.            Counting dots
 V9    0.              0.              0.            Straight-curved capitals

              UVAR4           UVAR5           UVAR6

 V1    0.              0.              0.            Visual perception
 V2    0.              0.              0.            Cubes
 V3    0.              0.              0.            Lozenges
 V4    0.2482[EPS4]    0.              0.            Paragraph comprehension
 V5    0.              0.3109[EPS5]    0.            Sentence completion
 V6    0.              0.              0.3182[EPS6]  Word meaning
 V7    0.              0.              0.            Addition
 V8    0.              0.              0.            Counting dots
 V9    0.              0.              0.            Straight-curved capitals

              UVAR7           UVAR8           UVAR9

 V1    0.              0.              0.            Visual perception
 V2    0.              0.              0.            Cubes
 V3    0.              0.              0.            Lozenges
 V4    0.              0.              0.            Paragraph comprehension
 V5    0.              0.              0.            Sentence completion
 V6    0.              0.              0.            Word meaning
 V7    0.5624[EPS7]    0.              0.            Addition
 V8    0.              0.3650[EPS8]    0.            Counting dots
 V9    0.              0.              0.5362[EPS9]  Straight-curved capitals

TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model A: Restricted Oblique Clusters (24 df)

         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                         Standardized Factor Loadings
             FACT1        FACT2        FACT3

   V1      0.67254      0.00000      0.00000      Visual perception
   V2      0.51302      0.00000      0.00000      Cubes
   V3      0.68396      0.00000      0.00000      Lozenges
   V4      0.00000      0.86707      0.00000      Paragraph comprehension
   V5      0.00000      0.83009      0.00000      Sentence completion
   V6      0.00000      0.82574      0.00000      Word meaning
   V7      0.00000      0.00000      0.66154      Addition
   V8      0.00000      0.00000      0.79687      Counting dots
   V9      0.00000      0.00000      0.68101      Straight-curved capitals
                        Squared Multiple Correlations
                             Error           Total
          Parameter        Variance        Variance        R-squared
           1    V1           0.547695        1.000000        0.452305
           2    V2           0.736813        1.000000        0.263187
           3    V3           0.532205        1.000000        0.467795
           4    V4           0.248184        1.000000        0.751816
           5    V5           0.310948        1.000000        0.689052
           6    V6           0.318153        1.000000        0.681847
           7    V7           0.562367        1.000000        0.437633
           8    V8           0.365005        1.000000        0.634995
           9    V9           0.536225        1.000000        0.463775

                    Correlations among Exogenous Variables
            Row & Column          Parameter             Estimate
               2       1    FCOR2    FCOR1    C1          0.543134
               3       1    FCOR3    FCOR1    C2          0.511325
               3       2    FCOR3    FCOR2    C3          0.320449

                 Total Determination of All Equations = 0.987
              Total Determination of Manifest Variables = 0.982

TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 6 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model B: 23 degrees of freedom (F[9,1] free)

          Covariance Structure Analysis: Pattern and Initial Values

              FACTOR Model Statement
              Matrix         Rows & Cols          Matrix Type
 TERM   1-----------------------------------------------------------
           1    _F_            9       3    GENERAL
           2    _P_            3       3    SYMMETRIC
 TERM   2-----------------------------------------------------------
           3    _U_            9       9    SYMMETRIC

TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 7 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model B: 23 degrees of freedom (F[9,1] free)

         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation
                       Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization
                        Scaling Update of More (1978)
                       Number of Parameter Estimates 22
                    Number of Functions (Observations) 45
                          Number of Lower Bounds 9
                           Number of Upper Bounds 0

Optimization Start: Active Constraints= 0  Criterion= 0.765
Maximum Gradient Element= 1.751 Radius= 11.797
        Iter rest nfun act   optcrit  difcrit maxgrad  lambda     rho
           1    0    2   0    0.2057   0.5593  0.0746       0   0.775
           2    0    3   0    0.2019  0.00375  0.0123       0   1.112
           3    0    4   0    0.2016 0.000327 0.00858       0   1.455
           4    0    5   0    0.2015 0.000092  0.0036       0   1.520
           5    0    6   0    0.2015 0.000028 0.00267       0   1.526
           6    0    7   0    0.2014 8.516E-6  0.0011       0   1.531
           7    0    8   0    0.2014 2.634E-6 0.00083       0   1.532
           8    0    9   0    0.2014 8.181E-7 0.00034       0   1.533
           9    0   10   0    0.2014 2.545E-7 0.00026       0   1.534
          10    0   11   0    0.2014 7.927E-8 0.00011       0   1.534
          11    0   12   0    0.2014  2.47E-8 0.00008       0   1.535
          12    0   13   0    0.2014 7.701E-9 0.00003       0   1.535
          13    0   14   0    0.2014 2.401E-9 0.00002       0   1.535
          14    0   15   0    0.2014 7.49E-10 0.00001       0   1.536

Optimization Results: Iterations= 14 Function Calls= 16 Jacobian Calls= 15
Active Constraints= 0  Criterion= 0.20144268
Maximum Gradient Element= 0.0000103791 Lambda= 0 Rho= 1.536 Radius= 0.0001239
NOTE:  GCONV convergence criterion satisfied.

TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 8 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model B: 23 degrees of freedom (F[9,1] free)

         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation
         Fit criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     0.2014
         Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) . . . . . . . . . . .     0.9575
         GFI Adjusted for Degrees of Freedom (AGFI). . . .     0.9169
         Root Mean Square Residual (RMR) . . . . . . . . .     0.0451
         Parsimonious GFI (Mulaik, 1989) . . . . . . . . .     0.6118
         Chi-square = 29.0077       df = 23      Prob>chi**2 = 0.1801
         Null Model Chi-square:     df = 36                  496.6694
         RMSEA Estimate  . . . . . . . . . 0.0426  90%C.I.[., 0.0851]
         Probability of Close Fit  . . . . . . . . . . . .     0.5674
         ECVI Estimate . . . . . . . . . . 0.5298  90%C.I.[., 0.6580]
         Bentler's Comparative Fit Index . . . . . . . . .     0.9870
         Normal Theory Reweighted LS Chi-square  . . . . .    28.7443
         Akaike's Information Criterion. . . . . . . . . .   -16.9923
         Bozdogan's (1987) CAIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  -108.4571
         Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion. . . . . . . . . . .   -85.4571
         McDonald's (1989) Centrality. . . . . . . . . . .     0.9795
         Bentler & Bonett's (1980) Non-normed Index. . . .     0.9796
         Bentler & Bonett's (1980) NFI . . . . . . . . . .     0.9416
         James, Mulaik, & Brett (1982) Parsimonious NFI. .     0.6016
         Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty (1931). . . . . . . .     0.9165
         Bollen (1986) Normed Index Rho1 . . . . . . . . .     0.9086
         Bollen (1988) Non-normed Index Delta2 . . . . . .     0.9873
         Hoelter's (1983) Critical N . . . . . . . . . . .        176

                     Estimated Parameter Matrix _P_[3:3]
                               Symmetric Matrix
                           FCOR1             FCOR2             FCOR3

         FCOR1        1.0000            0.5574[C1]        0.3897[C2]
         FCOR2        0.5574[C1]        1.0000            0.2230[C3]
         FCOR3        0.3897[C2]        0.2230[C3]        1.0000
                     Estimated Parameter Matrix _F_[9:3]
                           Lower Triangular Matrix
             FACT1           FACT2           FACT3

V1     0.7082[L1 ]     0.              0.            Visual perception
V2     0.4833[L2 ]     0.              0.            Cubes
V3     0.6499[L3 ]     0.              0.            Lozenges
V4     0.              0.8679[L5 ]     0.            Paragraph comprehension
V5     0.              0.8299[L6 ]     0.            Sentence completion
V6     0.              0.8250[L7 ]     0.            Word meaning
V7     0.              0.              0.6809[L8 ]   Addition
V8     0.              0.              0.8591[L9 ]   Counting dots
V9     0.4567[L4 ]     0.              0.4188[L10]   Straight-curved capitals

TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 9 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model B: 23 degrees of freedom (F[9,1] free)

         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                     Estimated Parameter Matrix _U_[9:9]
                               Diagonal Matrix
              UVAR1           UVAR2           UVAR3

 V1    0.4985[EPS1]    0.              0.            Visual perception
 V2    0.              0.7664[EPS2]    0.            Cubes
 V3    0.              0.              0.5777[EPS3]  Lozenges
 V4    0.              0.              0.            Paragraph comprehension
 V5    0.              0.              0.            Sentence completion
 V6    0.              0.              0.            Word meaning
 V7    0.              0.              0.            Addition
 V8    0.              0.              0.            Counting dots
 V9    0.              0.              0.            Straight-curved capitals

              UVAR4           UVAR5           UVAR6

 V1    0.              0.              0.            Visual perception
 V2    0.              0.              0.            Cubes
 V3    0.              0.              0.            Lozenges
 V4    0.2467[EPS4]    0.              0.            Paragraph comprehension
 V5    0.              0.3113[EPS5]    0.            Sentence completion
 V6    0.              0.              0.3194[EPS6]  Word meaning
 V7    0.              0.              0.            Addition
 V8    0.              0.              0.            Counting dots
 V9    0.              0.              0.            Straight-curved capitals

              UVAR7           UVAR8           UVAR9

 V1    0.              0.              0.            Visual perception
 V2    0.              0.              0.            Cubes
 V3    0.              0.              0.            Lozenges
 V4    0.              0.              0.            Paragraph comprehension
 V5    0.              0.              0.            Sentence completion
 V6    0.              0.              0.            Word meaning
 V7    0.5364[EPS7]    0.              0.            Addition
 V8    0.              0.2619[EPS8]    0.            Counting dots
 V9    0.              0.              0.4670[EPS9]  Straight-curved capitals

TEST16: Nine Psychological Variables, LISREL VI, p. III.106 10 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Data of Holzinger & Swineford (1937) Model B: 23 degrees of freedom (F[9,1] free)

         Covariance Structure Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

                         Standardized Factor Loadings
             FACT1        FACT2        FACT3

   V1      0.70819      0.00000      0.00000      Visual perception
   V2      0.48333      0.00000      0.00000      Cubes
   V3      0.64988      0.00000      0.00000      Lozenges
   V4      0.00000      0.86791      0.00000      Paragraph comprehension
   V5      0.00000      0.82989      0.00000      Sentence completion
   V6      0.00000      0.82501      0.00000      Word meaning
   V7      0.00000      0.00000      0.68087      Addition
   V8      0.00000      0.00000      0.85914      Counting dots
   V9      0.45667      0.00000      0.41881      Straight-curved capitals
                        Squared Multiple Correlations
                             Error           Total
          Parameter        Variance        Variance        R-squared
           1    V1           0.498465        1.000000        0.501535
           2    V2           0.766394        1.000000        0.233606
           3    V3           0.577652        1.000000        0.422348
           4    V4           0.246734        1.000000        0.753266
           5    V5           0.311279        1.000000        0.688721
           6    V6           0.319356        1.000000        0.680644
           7    V7           0.536420        1.000000        0.463580
           8    V8           0.261872        1.000000        0.738128
           9    V9           0.466997        1.000000        0.533003

                    Correlations among Exogenous Variables
            Row & Column          Parameter             Estimate
               2       1    FCOR2    FCOR1    C1          0.557442
               3       1    FCOR3    FCOR1    C2          0.389671
               3       2    FCOR3    FCOR2    C3          0.222963