Output from gcandis2.sas

1 Graph

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 1

                       Canonical Discriminant Analysis
                 150 Observations        149 DF Total
                   4 Variables           147 DF Within Classes
                   3 Classes               2 DF Between Classes

                           Class Level Information

            SPECIES        Frequency        Weight     Proportion
            Setosa                50       50.0000       0.333333
            Versicolor            50       50.0000       0.333333
            Virginica             50       50.0000       0.333333

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 2

                       Canonical Discriminant Analysis

                 Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                             S=2    M=0.5    N=71

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.02343863    199.145         8       288  0.0001
 Pillai's Trace             1.19189883     53.466         8       290  0.0001
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace    32.47732024    580.532         8       286  0.0001
 Roy's Greatest Root       32.19192920   1166.957         4       145  0.0001

         NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
                NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 3

                       Canonical Discriminant Analysis

                                Adjusted       Approx       Squared
                 Canonical      Canonical     Standard     Canonical
                Correlation    Correlation     Error      Correlation
           1      0.984821       0.984508     0.002468      0.969872
           2      0.471197       0.461445     0.063734      0.222027
                                Eigenvalues of INV(E)*H
                                  = CanRsq/(1-CanRsq)

                 Eigenvalue    Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
            1      32.1919       31.9065       0.9912        0.9912
            2       0.2854         .           0.0088        1.0000
                     Test of H0: The canonical correlations in the
                       current row and all that follow are zero

                  Ratio      Approx F      Num DF      Den DF    Pr > F
          1    0.02343863    199.1453           8         288    0.0001
          2    0.77797337     13.7939           3         145    0.0001

                          Total Canonical Structure

                          CAN1              CAN2
    SEPALLEN          0.791888          0.217593      Sepal length in mm.
    SEPALWID         -0.530759          0.757989      Sepal width  in mm.
    PETALLEN          0.984951          0.046037      Petal length in mm.
    PETALWID          0.972812          0.222902      Petal width  in mm.

                         Between Canonical Structure

                          CAN1              CAN2
    SEPALLEN          0.991468          0.130348      Sepal length in mm.
    SEPALWID         -0.825658          0.564171      Sepal width  in mm.
    PETALLEN          0.999750          0.022358      Petal length in mm.
    PETALWID          0.994044          0.108977      Petal width  in mm.

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 4

                       Canonical Discriminant Analysis

                      Pooled Within Canonical Structure

                          CAN1              CAN2
    SEPALLEN          0.222596          0.310812      Sepal length in mm.
    SEPALWID         -0.119012          0.863681      Sepal width  in mm.
    PETALLEN          0.706065          0.167701      Petal length in mm.
    PETALWID          0.633178          0.737242      Petal width  in mm.

               Total-Sample Standardized Canonical Coefficients

                          CAN1              CAN2
    SEPALLEN      -0.686779533       0.019958173      Sepal length in mm.
    SEPALWID      -0.668825075       0.943441829      Sepal width  in mm.
    PETALLEN       3.885795047      -1.645118866      Petal length in mm.
    PETALWID       2.142238715       2.164135931      Petal width  in mm.

           Pooled Within-Class Standardized Canonical Coefficients

                          CAN1              CAN2
    SEPALLEN      -.4269548486      0.0124075316      Sepal length in mm.
    SEPALWID      -.5212416758      0.7352613085      Sepal width  in mm.
    PETALLEN      0.9472572487      -.4010378190      Petal length in mm.
    PETALWID      0.5751607719      0.5810398645      Petal width  in mm.

                          Raw Canonical Coefficients

                          CAN1              CAN2
    SEPALLEN      -.0829377642      0.0024102149      Sepal length in mm.
    SEPALWID      -.1534473068      0.2164521235      Sepal width  in mm.
    PETALLEN      0.2201211656      -.0931921210      Petal length in mm.
    PETALWID      0.2810460309      0.2839187853      Petal width  in mm.

                      Class Means on Canonical Variables

                SPECIES                 CAN1              CAN2
                Setosa          -7.607599927       0.215133017
                Versicolor       1.825049490      -0.727899622
                Virginica        5.782550437       0.512766605

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 5

---------------------------------- SPEC_NO=1 ---------------------------------

       Variable          Mean       Std Dev       Minimum       Maximum
       CAN1        -7.6075999     0.8474608    -9.8498430    -5.6618807
       CAN2         0.2151330     0.9137836    -1.9343552     2.7375965
---------------------------------- SPEC_NO=2 ---------------------------------

       Variable          Mean       Std Dev       Minimum       Maximum
       CAN1         1.8250495     1.0361701    -0.4759738     4.4984664
       CAN2        -0.7278996     0.8734757    -2.6434099     1.1915677
---------------------------------- SPEC_NO=3 ---------------------------------

       Variable          Mean       Std Dev       Minimum       Maximum
       CAN1         5.7825504     1.0991641     3.8151597     9.1714749
       CAN2         0.5127666     1.1840776    -2.1557372     2.7175896

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 6

  1              N                      150.00    150.00     150.00     150.00
  2  Setosa      N                       50.00     50.00      50.00      50.00
  3  Versicolor  N                       50.00     50.00      50.00      50.00
  4  Virginica   N                       50.00     50.00      50.00      50.00
  5              MEAN                    58.43     30.57      37.58      11.99
  6  Setosa      MEAN                    50.06     34.28      14.62       2.46
  7  Versicolor  MEAN                    59.36     27.70      42.60      13.26
  8  Virginica   MEAN                    65.88     29.74      55.52      20.26
  9  Setosa      CSSCP     SEPALLEN     608.82    486.16      80.14      50.62
 10  Setosa      CSSCP     SEPALWID     486.16    704.08      57.32      45.56
 11  Setosa      CSSCP     PETALLEN      80.14     57.32     147.78      29.74
 12  Setosa      CSSCP     PETALWID      50.62     45.56      29.74      54.42
 13  Versicolor  CSSCP     SEPALLEN    1305.52    417.40     896.20     273.32
 14  Versicolor  CSSCP     SEPALWID     417.40    482.50     405.00     201.90
 15  Versicolor  CSSCP     PETALLEN     896.20    405.00    1082.00     358.20
 16  Versicolor  CSSCP     PETALWID     273.32    201.90     358.20     191.62
 17  Virginica   CSSCP     SEPALLEN    1981.28    459.44    1486.12     240.56
 18  Virginica   CSSCP     SEPALWID     459.44    509.62     349.76     233.38
 19  Virginica   CSSCP     PETALLEN    1486.12    349.76    1492.48     239.24
 20  Virginica   CSSCP     PETALWID     240.56    233.38     239.24     369.62
 21              PSSCP     SEPALLEN    3895.62   1363.00    2462.46     564.50
 22              PSSCP     SEPALWID    1363.00   1696.20     812.08     480.84
 23              PSSCP     PETALLEN    2462.46    812.08    2722.26     627.18
 24              PSSCP     PETALWID     564.50    480.84     627.18     615.66
 25              BSSCP     SEPALLEN    6321.21  -1995.27   16524.84    7127.93
 26              BSSCP     SEPALWID   -1995.27   1134.49   -5723.96   -2293.27
 27              BSSCP     PETALLEN   16524.84  -5723.96   43710.28   18677.40
 28              BSSCP     PETALWID    7127.93  -2293.27   18677.40    8041.33
 29              CSSCP     SEPALLEN   10216.83   -632.27   18987.30    7692.43
 30              CSSCP     SEPALWID    -632.27   2830.69   -4911.88   -1812.43
 31              CSSCP     PETALLEN   18987.30  -4911.88   46432.54   19304.58
 32              CSSCP     PETALWID    7692.43  -1812.43   19304.58    8656.99
 33              RSQUARED                 0.62      0.40       0.94       0.93
 34  Setosa      COV       SEPALLEN      12.42      9.92       1.64       1.03
 35  Setosa      COV       SEPALWID       9.92     14.37       1.17       0.93
 36  Setosa      COV       PETALLEN       1.64      1.17       3.02       0.61
 37  Setosa      COV       PETALWID       1.03      0.93       0.61       1.11
 38  Versicolor  COV       SEPALLEN      26.64      8.52      18.29       5.58
 39  Versicolor  COV       SEPALWID       8.52      9.85       8.27       4.12
 40  Versicolor  COV       PETALLEN      18.29      8.27      22.08       7.31
 41  Versicolor  COV       PETALWID       5.58      4.12       7.31       3.91
 42  Virginica   COV       SEPALLEN      40.43      9.38      30.33       4.91
 43  Virginica   COV       SEPALWID       9.38     10.40       7.14       4.76
 44  Virginica   COV       PETALLEN      30.33      7.14      30.46       4.88
 45  Virginica   COV       PETALWID       4.91      4.76       4.88       7.54
 46              PCOV      SEPALLEN      26.50      9.27      16.75       3.84
 47              PCOV      SEPALWID       9.27     11.54       5.52       3.27
 48              PCOV      PETALLEN      16.75      5.52      18.52       4.27
 49              PCOV      PETALWID       3.84      3.27       4.27       4.19
 50              BCOV      SEPALLEN      63.21    -19.95     165.25      71.28
 51              BCOV      SEPALWID     -19.95     11.34     -57.24     -22.93

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 7

  52              BCOV      PETALLEN   165.248  -57.2396   437.103   186.774
  53              BCOV      PETALWID    71.279  -22.9327   186.774    80.413
  54              COV       SEPALLEN    68.569   -4.2434   127.432    51.627
  55              COV       SEPALWID    -4.243   18.9979   -32.966   -12.164
  56              COV       PETALLEN   127.432  -32.9656   311.628   129.561
  57              COV       PETALWID    51.627  -12.1639   129.561    58.101
  58  Setosa      STD                    3.525    3.7906     1.737     1.054
  59  Versicolor  STD                    5.162    3.1380     4.699     1.978
  60  Virginica   STD                    6.359    3.2250     5.519     2.747
  61              PSTD                   5.148    3.3969     4.303     2.047
  62              BSTD                   7.951    3.3682    20.907     8.967
  63              STD                    8.281    4.3587    17.653     7.622
  64  Setosa      CORR      SEPALLEN     1.000    0.7425     0.267     0.278
  65  Setosa      CORR      SEPALWID     0.743    1.0000     0.178     0.233
  66  Setosa      CORR      PETALLEN     0.267    0.1777     1.000     0.332
  67  Setosa      CORR      PETALWID     0.278    0.2328     0.332     1.000
  68  Versicolor  CORR      SEPALLEN     1.000    0.5259     0.754     0.546
  69  Versicolor  CORR      SEPALWID     0.526    1.0000     0.561     0.664
  70  Versicolor  CORR      PETALLEN     0.754    0.5605     1.000     0.787
  71  Versicolor  CORR      PETALWID     0.546    0.6640     0.787     1.000
  72  Virginica   CORR      SEPALLEN     1.000    0.4572     0.864     0.281
  73  Virginica   CORR      SEPALWID     0.457    1.0000     0.401     0.538
  74  Virginica   CORR      PETALLEN     0.864    0.4010     1.000     0.322
  75  Virginica   CORR      PETALWID     0.281    0.5377     0.322     1.000
  76              PCORR     SEPALLEN     1.000    0.5302     0.756     0.365
  77              PCORR     SEPALWID     0.530    1.0000     0.378     0.471
  78              PCORR     PETALLEN     0.756    0.3779     1.000     0.484
  79              PCORR     PETALWID     0.365    0.4705     0.484     1.000
  80              BCORR     SEPALLEN     1.000   -0.7451     0.994     1.000
  81              BCORR     SEPALWID    -0.745    1.0000    -0.813    -0.759
  82              BCORR     PETALLEN     0.994   -0.8128     1.000     0.996
  83              BCORR     PETALWID     1.000   -0.7593     0.996     1.000
  84              CORR      SEPALLEN     1.000   -0.1176     0.872     0.818
  85              CORR      SEPALWID    -0.118    1.0000    -0.428    -0.366
  86              CORR      PETALLEN     0.872   -0.4284     1.000     0.963
  87              CORR      PETALWID     0.818   -0.3661     0.963     1.000
  88  Setosa      STDMEAN               -1.011    0.8504    -1.301    -1.251
  89  Versicolor  STDMEAN                0.112   -0.6592     0.284     0.166
  90  Virginica   STDMEAN                0.899   -0.1912     1.016     1.085
  91  Setosa      PSTDMEAN              -1.627    1.0912    -5.335    -4.658
  92  Versicolor  PSTDMEAN               0.180   -0.8459     1.167     0.619
  93  Virginica   PSTDMEAN               1.447   -0.2453     4.169     4.039
  94              CANCORR   CAN1         0.985    0.9848     0.985     0.985
  95              CANCORR   CAN2         0.471    0.4712     0.471     0.471
  96              STRUCTUR  CAN1         0.792   -0.5308     0.985     0.973
  97              STRUCTUR  CAN2         0.218    0.7580     0.046     0.223
  98              BSTRUCT   CAN1         0.991   -0.8257     1.000     0.994
  99              BSTRUCT   CAN2         0.130    0.5642     0.022     0.109
 100              PSTRUCT   CAN1         0.223   -0.1190     0.706     0.633
 101              PSTRUCT   CAN2         0.311    0.8637     0.168     0.737
 102              SCORE     CAN1        -0.687   -0.6688     3.886     2.142

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 8

  103              SCORE      CAN2    0.01996   0.94344  -1.64512   2.16414
  104              PSCORE     CAN1   -0.42695  -0.52124   0.94726   0.57516
  105              PSCORE     CAN2    0.01241   0.73526  -0.40104   0.58104
  106              RAWSCORE   CAN1   -0.08294  -0.15345   0.22012   0.28105
  107              RAWSCORE   CAN2    0.00241   0.21645  -0.09319   0.28392
  108  Setosa      CANMEAN    CAN1   -7.60760  -7.60760  -7.60760  -7.60760
  109  Setosa      CANMEAN    CAN2    0.21513   0.21513   0.21513   0.21513
  110  Versicolor  CANMEAN    CAN1    1.82505   1.82505   1.82505   1.82505
  111  Versicolor  CANMEAN    CAN2   -0.72790  -0.72790  -0.72790  -0.72790
  112  Virginica   CANMEAN    CAN1    5.78255   5.78255   5.78255   5.78255
  113  Virginica   CANMEAN    CAN2    0.51277   0.51277   0.51277   0.51277

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 9

---------------------------------- SPEC_NO=1 ---------------------------------

    Variable    N          Mean       Std Dev       Minimum       Maximum
    CAN1       50    -7.6075999     0.8474608    -9.8498430    -5.6618807
    CAN2       50     0.2151330     0.9137836    -1.9343552     2.7375965
---------------------------------- SPEC_NO=2 ---------------------------------

    Variable    N          Mean       Std Dev       Minimum       Maximum
    CAN1       50     1.8250495     1.0361701    -0.4759738     4.4984664
    CAN2       50    -0.7278996     0.8734757    -2.6434099     1.1915677
---------------------------------- SPEC_NO=3 ---------------------------------

    Variable    N          Mean       Std Dev       Minimum       Maximum
    CAN1       50     5.7825504     1.0991641     3.8151597     9.1714749
    CAN2       50     0.5127666     1.1840776    -2.1557372     2.7175896

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 10 Multiple & Canonical Vector Regression

           Univariate Multiple Regression Statistics for Predicting
                      the VARIABLES from the CANONICALS

                     Standardized Regression Coefficients
                   SEPALLEN      SEPALWID      PETALLEN      PETALWID

         CAN1        0.7919       -0.5308        0.9850        0.9728
         CAN2        0.2176        0.7580        0.0460        0.2229

                         Raw Regression Coefficients
               SEPALLEN          SEPALWID          PETALLEN          PETALWID

 CAN1       1.145900392      -0.404267515       3.038442708       1.295798783
 CAN2       1.600025916       2.933818135       0.721676861       1.508766056

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 11 Multiple & Canonical Vector Regression

                        Canonical Correlation Analysis

                                Adjusted       Approx       Squared
                 Canonical      Canonical     Standard     Canonical
                Correlation    Correlation     Error      Correlation
           1      1.000000        .           0.000000      1.000000
           2      1.000000        .           0.000000      1.000000
                                Eigenvalues of INV(E)*H
                                  = CanRsq/(1-CanRsq)

                 Eigenvalue    Difference    Proportion    Cumulative
            1        .             .            .             .
            2        .             .            .             .
                     Test of H0: The canonical correlations in the
                       current row and all that follow are zero

                  Ratio      Approx F      Num DF      Den DF    Pr > F
          1    0.00000000       .               8         288    0.0001
          2    0.00000000       .               3         145    0.0001

                 Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

                             S=2    M=0.5    N=71

 Statistic                     Value          F      Num DF    Den DF  Pr > F
 Wilks' Lambda              0.00000000      .             8       288  0.0001
 Pillai's Trace             2.00000000      .             8       290  0.0001
 Hotelling-Lawley Trace      .              .             8       286  0.0001
 Roy's Greatest Root         .              .             4       145  0.0001

         NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
                NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 12 Multiple & Canonical Vector Regression

                        Canonical Correlation Analysis

                Raw Canonical Coefficients for the CANONICALS
                                       C1                C2

                   CAN1      0.1165150204      -0.130238082
                   CAN2      0.6618149985      0.5920801876

                 Raw Canonical Coefficients for the VARIABLES
                            W1                W2

    SEPALLEN      -0.008068379      0.0122286958      Sepal length in mm.
    SEPALWID      0.1253723457      0.1481416968      Sepal width  in mm.
    PETALLEN      -0.036028521      -0.083845367      Petal length in mm.
    PETALWID      0.2206477945      0.1314997916      Petal width  in mm.

            Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the CANONICALS
                                       C1            C2

                       CAN1        0.6668       -0.7453
                       CAN2        0.7453        0.6668

            Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the VARIABLES
                            W1            W2

        SEPALLEN       -0.0668        0.1013      Sepal length in mm.
        SEPALWID        0.5465        0.6457      Sepal width  in mm.
        PETALLEN       -0.6360       -1.4801      Petal length in mm.
        PETALWID        1.6819        1.0023      Petal width  in mm.

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 13 Multiple & Canonical Vector Regression

                             Canonical Structure

      Correlations Between the CANONICALS and Their Canonical Variables
                                       C1            C2

                       CAN1        0.6668       -0.7453
                       CAN2        0.7453        0.6668

       Correlations Between the VARIABLES and Their Canonical Variables
                            W1            W2

        SEPALLEN        0.6902       -0.4451      Sepal length in mm.
        SEPALWID        0.2110        0.9010      Sepal width  in mm.
        PETALLEN        0.6910       -0.7034      Petal length in mm.
        PETALWID        0.8147       -0.5764      Petal width  in mm.

                   Correlations Between the CANONICALS and
                   the Canonical Variables of the VARIABLES
                                       W1            W2

                       CAN1        0.6668       -0.7453
                       CAN2        0.7453        0.6668

                  Correlations Between the VARIABLES and the
                    Canonical Variables of the CANONICALS
                            C1            C2

        SEPALLEN        0.6902       -0.4451      Sepal length in mm.
        SEPALWID        0.2110        0.9010      Sepal width  in mm.
        PETALLEN        0.6910       -0.7034      Petal length in mm.
        PETALWID        0.8147       -0.5764      Petal width  in mm.

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 14 Multiple & Canonical Vector Regression

    1 MEAN                 0.000   0.000   58.433   30.573   37.580   11.993
    2 STD                  5.722   1.126    8.281    4.359   17.653    7.622
    3 N                  150.000 150.000  150.000  150.000  150.000  150.000
    4 CORR     CAN1        1.000   0.000    0.792   -0.531    0.985    0.973
    5 CORR     CAN2        0.000   1.000    0.218    0.758    0.046    0.223
    6 CORR     SEPALLEN    0.792   0.218    1.000   -0.118    0.872    0.818
    7 CORR     SEPALWID   -0.531   0.758   -0.118    1.000   -0.428   -0.366
    8 CORR     PETALLEN    0.985   0.046    0.872   -0.428    1.000    0.963
    9 CORR     PETALWID    0.973   0.223    0.818   -0.366    0.963    1.000
   10 STB      SEPALLEN    0.792   0.218     .        .        .        .
   11 STB      SEPALWID   -0.531   0.758     .        .        .        .
   12 STB      PETALLEN    0.985   0.046     .        .        .        .
   13 STB      PETALWID    0.973   0.223     .        .        .        .
   14 B        SEPALLEN    1.146   1.600     .        .        .        .
   15 B        SEPALWID   -0.404   2.934     .        .        .        .
   16 B        PETALLEN    3.038   0.722     .        .        .        .
   17 B        PETALWID    1.296   1.509     .        .        .        .
   18 CANCORR              1.000   1.000     .        .        .        .
   19 SCORE    C1          0.667   0.745    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
   20 SCORE    C2         -0.745   0.667    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
   21 SCORE    W1          0.000   0.000   -0.067    0.546   -0.636    1.682
   22 SCORE    W2          0.000   0.000    0.101    0.646   -1.480    1.002
   23 RAWSCORE C1          0.117   0.662    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
   24 RAWSCORE C2         -0.130   0.592    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
   25 RAWSCORE W1          0.000   0.000   -0.008    0.125   -0.036    0.221
   26 RAWSCORE W2          0.000   0.000    0.012    0.148   -0.084    0.131
   27 STRUCTUR C1          0.667   0.745    0.690    0.211    0.691    0.815
   28 STRUCTUR C2         -0.745   0.667   -0.445    0.901   -0.703   -0.576
   29 STRUCTUR W1          0.667   0.745    0.690    0.211    0.691    0.815
   30 STRUCTUR W2         -0.745   0.667   -0.445    0.901   -0.703   -0.576

Canonical Discriminant Analysis: Iris Data 15 Multiple & Canonical Vector Regression

        OBS     _NAME_           _LABEL_            CAN1        CAN2
         1     SEPALLEN    Sepal length in mm.     0.79189    0.21759
         2     SEPALWID    Sepal width  in mm.    -0.53076    0.75799
         3     PETALLEN    Petal length in mm.     0.98495    0.04604
         4     PETALWID    Petal width  in mm.     0.97281    0.22290


Graphic output from gcandis2.sas

[ GPLOT 09/27/99 ]