Output from disciris.sas

1 Graph

Iris data: Size & elongation 1

                        Stepwise Discriminant Analysis
            150 Observations          6 Variable(s) in the Analysis
              3 Class Levels          2 Variable(s) will be included

             The Method for Selecting Variables will be: STEPWISE

             Significance Level to Enter =  0.1500
             Significance Level to Stay  =  0.1500
                           Class Level Information

            SPECIES        Frequency        Weight     Proportion
            Setosa                50       50.0000       0.333333
            Versicolor            50       50.0000       0.333333
            Virginica             50       50.0000       0.333333

Iris data: Size & elongation 2

                        Stepwise Discriminant Analysis

Stepwise Selection:  Step 0
                 The following variable(s) have been entered:
                              SIZE     ELONG
                           Multivariate Statistics
 Wilks' Lambda  = 0.03338068    F( 4, 292) =  326.554      Prob > F = 0.0001
 Pillai's Trace =   0.966624    F( 4, 294) =   68.752      Prob > F = 0.0001

              Average Squared Canonical Correlation = 0.48331217

Iris data: Size & elongation 3

                        Stepwise Discriminant Analysis

Stepwise Selection:  Step 1

                Statistics for Entry, DF = 2, 145

        Variable         R**2           F        Prob > F
        PETALLEN       0.5181         77.948       0.0001
        PETALWID       0.5413         85.544       0.0001
        SEPALLEN       0.2667         26.363       0.0001
        SEPALWID       0.3601         40.804       0.0001
                      Statistics for Entry, DF = 2, 145

        Variable     Tolerance     Label
        PETALLEN        0.0156     Petal length in mm.
        PETALWID        0.0568     Petal width  in mm.
        SEPALLEN        0.1027     Sepal length in mm.
        SEPALWID        0.1736     Sepal width  in mm.

                      Variable PETALWID will be entered

                 The following variable(s) have been entered:
                          SIZE     ELONG    PETALWID
                           Multivariate Statistics
 Wilks' Lambda  = 0.01531278    F( 6, 290) =  342.255      Prob > F = 0.0001
 Pillai's Trace =   1.507465    F( 6, 292) =  148.950      Prob > F = 0.0001

              Average Squared Canonical Correlation = 0.75373257

Iris data: Size & elongation 4

                        Stepwise Discriminant Analysis

Stepwise Selection:  Step 2

                    Statistics for Removal,  DF = 2, 145

Variable      R**2        F     Prob > F  Label
PETALWID    0.5413      85.544    0.0001  Petal width  in mm.

                         No variables can be removed

                Statistics for Entry, DF = 2, 144

        Variable         R**2           F        Prob > F
        PETALLEN       0.2462         23.518       0.0001
        SEPALLEN       0.2109         19.243       0.0001
        SEPALWID       0.3025         31.231       0.0001
                      Statistics for Entry, DF = 2, 144

        Variable     Tolerance     Label
        PETALLEN        0.0150     Petal length in mm.
        SEPALLEN        0.0525     Sepal length in mm.
        SEPALWID        0.0434     Sepal width  in mm.

                      Variable SEPALWID will be entered

                 The following variable(s) have been entered:
                     SIZE     ELONG    PETALWID SEPALWID
                           Multivariate Statistics
 Wilks' Lambda  = 0.01068009    F( 8, 288) =  312.349      Prob > F = 0.0001
 Pillai's Trace =   1.520333    F( 8, 290) =  114.897      Prob > F = 0.0001

              Average Squared Canonical Correlation = 0.76016647

Iris data: Size & elongation 5

                        Stepwise Discriminant Analysis

Stepwise Selection:  Step 3

                    Statistics for Removal,  DF = 2, 144

Variable      R**2        F     Prob > F  Label
PETALWID    0.5000      71.995    0.0001  Petal width  in mm.
SEPALWID    0.3025      31.231    0.0001  Sepal width  in mm.

                         No variables can be removed

                Statistics for Entry, DF = 2, 143

        Variable         R**2           F        Prob > F
        PETALLEN       0.2338         21.814       0.0001
        SEPALLEN       0.0666          5.105       0.0072
                      Statistics for Entry, DF = 2, 143

        Variable     Tolerance     Label
        PETALLEN        0.0129     Petal length in mm.
        SEPALLEN        0.0317     Sepal length in mm.

                      Variable PETALLEN will be entered

                 The following variable(s) have been entered:
                           Multivariate Statistics
 Wilks' Lambda  = 0.00818339    F( 10, 286) =  287.555      Prob > F = 0.0001
 Pillai's Trace =   1.623816    F( 10, 288) =  124.317      Prob > F = 0.0001

              Average Squared Canonical Correlation = 0.81190815

Iris data: Size & elongation 6

                        Stepwise Discriminant Analysis

Stepwise Selection:  Step 4

                    Statistics for Removal,  DF = 2, 143

Variable      R**2        F     Prob > F  Label
PETALLEN    0.2338      21.814    0.0001  Petal length in mm.
PETALWID    0.2929      29.614    0.0001  Petal width  in mm.
SEPALWID    0.2910      29.350    0.0001  Sepal width  in mm.

                         No variables can be removed

                Statistics for Entry, DF = 2, 142

        Variable         R**2           F        Prob > F
        SEPALLEN       0.0497          3.711       0.0269
                      Statistics for Entry, DF = 2, 142

        Variable     Tolerance     Label
        SEPALLEN        0.0116     Sepal length in mm.

                      Variable SEPALLEN will be entered

                       All variables have been entered
                           Multivariate Statistics
 Wilks' Lambda  = 0.00777691    F( 12, 284) =  244.703      Prob > F = 0.0001
 Pillai's Trace =   1.632530    F( 12, 286) =  105.882      Prob > F = 0.0001

              Average Squared Canonical Correlation = 0.81626504

Iris data: Size & elongation 7

                        Stepwise Discriminant Analysis

Stepwise Selection:  Step 5

                    Statistics for Removal,  DF = 2, 142

Variable      R**2        F     Prob > F  Label
PETALLEN    0.2198      20.007    0.0001  Petal length in mm.
PETALWID    0.2313      21.367    0.0001  Petal width  in mm.
SEPALLEN    0.0497       3.711    0.0269  Sepal length in mm.
SEPALWID    0.1694      14.483    0.0001  Sepal width  in mm.

                         No variables can be removed

No further steps are possible

Stepwise Selection:  Summary

             Variable        Number  Partial        F        Prob >
  Step  Entered   Removed      In       R**2    Statistic      F
     0                            2    .             .        .
     1  PETALWID                  3   0.5413       85.544    0.0001
     2  SEPALWID                  4   0.3025       31.231    0.0001
     3  PETALLEN                  5   0.2338       21.814    0.0001
     4  SEPALLEN                  6   0.0497        3.711    0.0269

             Variable        Number      Wilks'  Prob <    Canonical  Prob >
  Step  Entered   Removed      In        Lambda  Lambda  Correlation    ASCC
     0                            2  0.03338068  0.0001   0.48331217  0.0001
     1  PETALWID                  3  0.01531278  0.0001   0.75373257  0.0001
     2  SEPALWID                  4  0.01068009  0.0001   0.76016647  0.0001
     3  PETALLEN                  5  0.00818339  0.0001   0.81190815  0.0001
     4  SEPALLEN                  6  0.00777691  0.0001   0.81626504  0.0001

Iris data: Size & elongation 8

                        Stepwise Discriminant Analysis

Stepwise Selection:  Summary

             Variable        Number
  Step  Entered   Removed      In    Label
     0                            2
     1  PETALWID                  3  Petal width  in mm.
     2  SEPALWID                  4  Sepal width  in mm.
     3  PETALLEN                  5  Petal length in mm.
     4  SEPALLEN                  6  Sepal length in mm.


Graphic output from disciris.sas

[ GPLOT 09/27/99 ]