Call for Papers

Hotelling Society - Invited Symposium
Psychology 6140

Hotelling Society Symposium
Call for Papers

The Statistical Education Section of the Society for Exploration of Multivariate Data (commonly known as the Hotelling Society) is sponsoring a special symposium and poster session concerned with the analysis of a given set of data (to be announced shortly).

The session will be held in February 2017 at the Society meetings at York University in Toronto, and is intended to allow members to compare techniques for analyzing and displaying data. The session provides a forum for both old and new statistical and graphical techniques to describe and summarize the data. Your participation is invited.

The results of each analysis will be discussed during the session. You have the option of:

Each participant will be given the opportunity to display his/her results and other conference attendees will be encouraged to discuss them with you. You have until January to work on the analysis, but an abstract must be submitted to the Section organizer, Professor Michael Friendly, by the end of December, 2016.

After the meetings you will be given an opportunity to include a short paper describing your analysis in the 2017 Proceedings of the Statistical Education Section of the Hotelling Society.