# Exercises: survival on the titanic, using loglm()

library(MASS)     # for loglm()
library(vcd)      # for mosaic, aka plot.loglm()

data(Titanic, package="datasets")  # effects::Titanic gives a case-form version

Baseline model

Titanic <- Titanic + 0.5   # adjust for 0 cells
titanic.mod1 <- loglm(~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived, data=Titanic)
## Call:
## loglm(formula = ~(Class * Age * Sex) + Survived, data = Titanic)
## Statistics:
##                       X^2 df P(> X^2)
## Likelihood Ratio 659.3162 15        0
## Pearson          643.1600 15        0
plot(titanic.mod1, main="Model [AGC][S]")

Associations with survival

titanic.mod2 <- loglm(~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age + Sex), data=Titanic)
## Call:
## loglm(formula = ~(Class * Age * Sex) + Survived * (Class + Age + 
##     Sex), data = Titanic)
## Statistics:
##                       X^2 df P(> X^2)
## Likelihood Ratio 105.5531 10        0
## Pearson          101.4396 10        0
plot(titanic.mod2,  main="Model [AGC][AS][GS][CS]")

titanic.mod3 <- loglm(~ (Class * Age * Sex) + Survived*(Class + Age * Sex), data=Titanic)
## Call:
## loglm(formula = ~(Class * Age * Sex) + Survived * (Class + Age * 
##     Sex), data = Titanic)
## Statistics:
##                       X^2 df     P(> X^2)
## Likelihood Ratio 85.51508  9 1.287859e-14
## Pearson          78.83273  9 2.755574e-13
plot(titanic.mod3, ,  main="Model [AGC][AS][GS][CS][AGS]")

compare models

anova(titanic.mod1, titanic.mod2, titanic.mod3, test="chisq")
## LR tests for hierarchical log-linear models
## Model 1:
##  ~(Class * Age * Sex) + Survived 
## Model 2:
##  ~(Class * Age * Sex) + Survived * (Class + Age + Sex) 
## Model 3:
##  ~(Class * Age * Sex) + Survived * (Class + Age * Sex) 
##            Deviance df Delta(Dev) Delta(df) P(> Delta(Dev)
## Model 1   659.31623 15                                    
## Model 2   105.55308 10  553.76314         5          0e+00
## Model 3    85.51508  9   20.03800         1          1e-05
## Saturated   0.00000  0   85.51508         9          0e+00