Load and examine data

SexualFun                # show the table
##               Wife
## Husband        Never Fun Fairly Often Very Often Always fun
##   Never Fun            7            7          2          3
##   Fairly Often         2            8          3          7
##   Very Often           1            5          4          9
##   Always fun           2            8          9         14

Test association

assocstats(SexualFun)    # association statistics
##                     X^2 df P(> X^2)
## Likelihood Ratio 15.486  9 0.078421
## Pearson          16.955  9 0.049422
## Phi-Coefficient   : 0.432 
## Contingency Coeff.: 0.396 
## Cramer's V        : 0.249
fisher.test(SexualFun)   # exact test
##  Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
## data:  SexualFun
## p-value = 0.09578
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided

Tests for ordered factors

CMHtest(SexualFun)       # CMH tests
## Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Statistics for Husband by Wife 
##                  AltHypothesis  Chisq Df      Prob
## cor        Nonzero correlation 10.014  1 0.0015534
## cmeans  Col mean scores differ 12.568  3 0.0056702
## rmeans  Row mean scores differ 12.319  3 0.0063653
## general    General association 16.769  9 0.0524600