Load the data

data("PreSex", package="vcd")
PreSex <- aperm(PreSex, 4:1)   # order variables G, P, E, M

multiple correspondence analysis, using the Burt matrix

presex.mca <- mjca(PreSex, lambda="Burt")
## Principal inertias (eigenvalues):
##  dim    value      %   cum%   scree plot               
##  1      0.149930  53.6  53.6  *************            
##  2      0.067201  24.0  77.6  ******                   
##  3      0.035396  12.6  90.2  ***                      
##  4      0.027365   9.8 100.0  **                       
##         -------- -----                                 
##  Total: 0.279892 100.0                                 
## Columns:
##                       name   mass  qlt  inr    k=1 cor ctr    k=2 cor ctr
## 1 |             Gender:Men |   87  869  159 |  434 368 109 | -506 501 331
## 2 |           Gender:Women |  163  869   84 | -231 368  58 |  269 501 176
## 3 |       PremaritalSex:No |  192  763   61 | -251 714  81 |   66  49  12
## 4 |      PremaritalSex:Yes |   58  763  200 |  829 714 267 | -217  49  41
## 5 |     ExtramaritalSex:No |  221  681   29 | -149 596  33 |  -56  85  10
## 6 |    ExtramaritalSex:Yes |   29  681  221 | 1125 596 247 |  424  85  78
## 7 | MaritalStatus:Divorced |  119  794  128 |  368 450 108 |  322 344 184
## 8 |  MaritalStatus:Married |  131  794  117 | -336 450  98 | -294 344 168
## 1 |
## 2 |
## 3 |
## 4 |
## 5 |
## 6 |
## 7 |
## 8 |
# the basic ca::plot() method doesn't do a nice job of labeling

vcdExtra::mcaplot does a much nicer job


# add a nice legend
cols <- c("blue", "red", "brown", "black")
legend("bottomright", legend=c("Gender", "PreSex", "ExtraSex", "Marital"), 
    title="Factor", title.col="black",
    col=cols, text.col=cols, pch=16:19, 
    bg="gray95", cex=1.2)